Welcome to S1

Virtual Transition Newsletter 1

14th June 2021

Welcome to St Modan's High School

With just two weeks of primary school left, we thought it would be good share some more information with you about the start to high school in August.

Mrs Friel and Mr Curran are currently visiting all the Learning Community schools to answer more questions for you.

We will also have the Virtual Transition Day on Google Meet on Friday 18th June and a further parent/carer information session on Tuesday 22nd June at 6.30pm. A copy of the letter with the joining code for both events is saved in the Classwork section.

Hopefully by the the end of term we will have answered all of your questions.

The S1 Team:

S1 Principal Teacher Pupil Support:

Mr Curran

Mr Curran's job is: to support all of the S1 classes; monitor attendance and wellbeing; listen to young people; support you to get involved in school life and make the most of your high school experience; help you to problem-solve if any issues arise.

S1 Depute Head Teachers:

Mrs Shandley

Mrs Shandley works at St Modan's on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and is the Depute Head Teacher with responsibility for S1.

S1 Depute Head Teacher:

Miss Quinn

Miss Quinn is the Depute Head Teacher for S1 on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Both Mrs Shandley and Miss Quinn work to support S1 in all aspects of school life.

Message from Mr Curran:

I am really looking forward to meeting you all in the school building; hopefully at the start of the new term in August. I hope you are keeping well and are ready to get involved in our virtual transition day on Friday 18th. We are hoping to answer all the questions you may have around transition and help you to be fully prepared for starting with us in August.

Morning Offering:

Father, whatever this day may bring

help me to seek the good within

to act in a spirit of generous love

and to grow in wisdom and grace

in the footsteps of St Modan, patron of our school.


S1 PSD Teachers

  • Miss Hawthorne

  • Ms Kettles/ Ms Blair

  • Mrs Muir

  • Mr Paterson/ Mrs Hutchison

  • Mr Barnett

  • Mrs Roughead

Every morning you will meet with your PSD Teacher for 10 minutes. In this time the following things take place:

  • Register taken

  • School Morning Offering said together

  • Notices about clubs and activities shared

  • Your questions answered

  • Preparation for the day ahead

St Modan's Visions, Values and Aims

As a Catholic School our visions, values and aims are very important in the daily life of the school. We want everyone in our community to live our values and show RESPECT. Our values are:

  • Compassion

  • Honesty

  • Responsibility

  • Inclusion

  • Service

  • Trust

This postcard explains what each one means.

Three Expectations 3Rs

At St Modan's we have 3 expectations called the 3Rs.

Here is a poster showing you what we expect of all in our community. We are always ready to learn, respectful to all and responsible for our own behaviour.

Subjects in S1

S1 pupils study the following subjects:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Religious Education

  • Modern Languages (French and Spanish)

  • Science

  • Social Subjects (History, Geography, Modern Studies, Business Management)

  • Home Economics

  • Art

  • Music

  • Physical Education

  • Drama

  • Technical Studies/ Technology

  • Computing

  • Health and Wellbeing

Timings for our school day

Mondays and Tuesdays:

Start at 8.30am- Finish at 3.20pm

We have 7 periods on these days.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Start at 8.30am- Finish at 2.30pm

We have 6 periods on these days.

Each period is 50 minutes long.

We will explain lots more about how the high school timetable works and give you examples over the next few weeks during the virtual transition programme.

Transition Google Classroom

Keep an eye on the stream but also the on the Classwork Tab. We will post any videos that are shared on Transition Tuesdays and any other activities and advice.


If you have access to Twitter, why not follow some of our accounts to see what's happening in school:




For parents/carers:


A poem from a new S2 pupil

Life at St Modan's


Erin Mackintosh, 2R2

Life at St Modan’s is as good as can be.

We can have breakfast with tea.

We learn and we strive in everything we do.

And teachers don’t mind if you have to re-do.

Life at St Modan’s is as good as can be.

I would never ever want to flee.

The teachers are nice, friendly and kind,

and every lesson tries to fill your mind.

We make mistakes but that's ok

As everything is alright at the end of the day.

Life at St Modan’s is as good as can be,

Lots of nature outside-including turkeys!

We have smiles and fun

And we love the school a ton.

Life at St Modan’s; it really is

as good as can be.