
Google Classroom for Pupils

Here is a link for the school YouTube page, it has a playlist with some useful tutorials for how to use google classroom. Be sure to check this regularly as it is being updated.



Pupil Support, ASN and Inclusion:

If you would like to arrange contact with your PSD Teacher you can telephone the school office or you could email the Pupil Support Team.

  • School Office - 01786 470962

  • Email - pupilsupportstmodans@stirling.gov.uk

IT Support - If you are experiencing any problems with your chromebook, WifI or other technical difficulties then please email the school technicians.

  • stmodansIT@gmail.com.

Other resources - If you need pens/ pencils/ jotters please email school office with a note of what you need.

You can also find tutorial videos on out new TikTok account, showing you quick tips for Google Classroom.

Live Input

  • Make sure you complete the Google Meet consent form in your PSD classroom

  • Google Meet lessons will be recorded.

  • Even if your teacher says that cameras can go on - you can choose not to.

  • Google Meet is not the only tool that can be used for live lessons - padlet, jamboard, mentimeter, shared documents - can all be used without the need of cameras and microphones.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Establish a routine that works for you

  • Your teacher will let you know what to do if you haven’t finished work by the end of a lesson.

  • Let us know if you are unwell and unable to complete work.

  • Communicate with your teachers about how you are coping.

  • Build sufficient breaks into any work pattern. Remember, on a normal school day we have a morning interval and a lunchtime to switch off and refresh.

  • Set realistic targets with regards to the amount of time in front of a screen/ engaged in learning tasks. Research suggests that blocks of learning should be about 45 minutes and then a short break.

  • Ensure that you are getting at least one session of outdoor exercise a day eg a walk with the dog/ a run/a cycle.

  • Remember outdoor exercise with one other person is currently permitted.

  • Look at self-help work strategies, rather than struggle or get stressed with work. In school, we encourage ‘3 before me’ if you face a problem with a learning task.

  • What strategies can you use: read back over notes; ask a friend, parent, sibling; email your teacher through the google classroom; take a break and come back refreshed to try again.