Wallace House

We have been chosen to be the Wallace leaders. At the start we regularly went down to support the P1s because it is their first year in school. In our first house meeting we announced the return of house tokens, house board and house badges. All that are now well in use, for example the house tokens get rewarded to any person who is being kind or has good manners. In our second house meeting we explained our five targets for achieving.

They are monthly minigames - a mini game where the whole school can take part in, ross cup quiz - a quiz for each house to show you knowledge, jubilant jotters - jotters in which you write your achievements in, Nabbers cup - a football tournament to show of you football skills and house hero - a secret student who we watch and spy on to see if they are following the RIScK values. These are some of our ideas but we have so many more. We also helped in the fun day where we played with years 1 - 3. Right now we are doing stuff about children in need. We also have loads of ideas for that...

So far as Captains we have...

  • Introduced ourselves again.

  • Led 2 house meetings.

  • Focused on achievements

  1. Monthly minigames

  2. Jubilant jotters

  3. House hero

  4. Nabbers cup

  5. And, ross cup quiz

  • Planned Children in need

  • Re-launched House tokens

  • Re-launched House badges

  • Re-launchedHouse board

  • Spoke about the house history

  • Helped in fun day

  • Alongside the other P7 we supported the buddies and helped them make friends play independently and much more.

Wallace House Taster Term Update

This term we have a new house leadership team for our Wallace House. Isla and Colby are your Wallace house captains during this taster term. They are looking forward to taking on this challenge and leading Wallace house during our whole school Scots focus and our Burns bonanza.