Mrs. Nielson


Welcome to St. Gregory Barbarigo School!  I am happy to be returning for the 2024-2025 school year into the 6th grade position, while also teaching 5-8 math.

I had taught 6th grade here from 2013-2018, and then our family had moved to Rochester, Minnesota.  Through the amazing works of God, we were given an opportunity to come back to Maryville in 2020, and I ended up right back into the classroom I had started my SGB journey in.  This is the community we want to be a part of and where we want to raise our children.  

My husband, Scott, and I have five children (Hattie, Chase, Isaiah, Nash, and Harlynn)--the older four will all attend SGB School this year.  We truly love being a part of the SGB School and parish community.    

Please know you can always reach out with any questions, comments, and/or concerns.  

-Mrs. Nielson

Contact Information:


School Phone: (660)-582-2462 

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