Social Emotional Learning

Meet Ms. Michaela Mense 

and Mrs. Chrissy Decker Callison  

Services offered: 

Counselors Schedule:

Ms. Mense: Tuesday- Friday 7-3:30

Mrs. Callison: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 8- 3:30


This year we will be doing something different with bullying. Counselors will meet with both parties and create plans. 

We will be asking for people to be allies!  Is that YOU?  Would you be willing to be a safe person for someone who is having a conflict with a friend?

Discussing bullying with the counselors is not discipline.  We are being proactive and trying to find solutions to bully problems and friend conflict. We are going to be thinking win-win.  Our end in mind is creating a school where everyone feels comfortable. 

Social Emotion Learning Curriculum K-5

S: Say the problem 

T: Think of solutions 

E: Explore the outcomes 

   P: Pick a solution 

Social Emotion Learning Curriculum Middle School