Lunch/Recess Procedures

We will be eating lunch in the cafeteriaLunch will be eaten before recess. The school has gone back to being "Nut Aware." We have a nut free table that students with allergies can sit at. 

Whatever you bring for lunch, you should be able to finish in 20 minutes, and you should be able to open on your own.


Yes, always a question.  You will have a snack time in the morning.  It will typically be between 9:20-9:40.

Since we are nut-free in our classrooms, do not bring any item that has nuts in them for snackOur hope is that you will bring a healthy snack, such as:  fruit, a veggie, or dairy.  You have to be able to open these items on your own and be responsible to clean up the mess after.

When possible, we will try to have snack outside.

Some examples:

Fruits: apple, kiwi, orange, etc.

Veggies (yes, you can have a small container with ranch): Carrot sticks, sweet pepppers, cucumbers, etc.

Dairy: Yogurt cup (don't forget a spoon!), Go-gurts, Cheese sticks, etc.


We will be having recess on the parking lot this year from 11:45-12:05.