Policies/ Procedures


**If a child does not complete the homework for a class, on day 2 the following policy will be used:

  1. A child will receive a violation for the homework being not completed. The violation will be used as a reminder to the student of the number of infractions. The student has until morning homeroom on the next day to turn the assignment to the teacher. The parent will be informed about the missing assignment.


**If a student does not meet one of the school's expectations, the following policy will be used:

Student will receive a violation on their choice card. This violation will be used as a reminder to the student of the number of infractions incurred.

**If a student receives 3 minor violations for behavior, the following policy will be used:

  • A meeting is set up with the student and the teacher to create a success plan. This success plan will be sent home so that the students and parents can discuss this plan.

**If a student receives another 3 minor violations for behavior:

  • A meeting is set up with the student, teacher, and a member of administration to adjust their success plan.

**If a student receives another 3 minor violations for behavior:

  • A success plan meeting is set up with the student, teacher, a member of administration, and the parents to discuss and adjust their success plan.

****If a student receives 3 major violations, it will result in a detention to be served on the next Wednesday after school from 3:10-4:00.