Board of Trustees

All of New Zealand’s state and state-integrated schools have a Board of Trustees. This is the Crown entity responsible for the governance of the school. The Board is entrusted to work on behalf of the children who attend the school. Its role emphasises strategic leadership rather than administrative detail and ensures that the school complies with legal and policy requirements. The primary focus of the Board of Trustees, Principal and staff is to ensure the very best educational outcomes for all children attending St Francis of Assisi Catholic School.

There are eleven trustees on the St Francis of Assisi School Board of Trustees. Five are elected parent representatives, and four are proprietor's representatives, one of whom is the Chairperson. Elections are held every three years. There is a staff representative elected by the staff. The School Principal is also a member of the Board of Trustees.

Board meetings are typically held on the Fourth Thursday of the month at 5.30pm in the Staffroom. The meetings are open to the public and our parent community are welcome to attend. Meetings usually cover the key areas of curriculum, finance, property, personnel and policy.

Should you have a matter that you wish to have discussed at Board level, please feel free to contact the Chairperson through the school office or via email at