Milestone 3


Figure 1: Heartrate Result from Recreated ECG

Figure 2: Part A Circuit

Figure 3: Arduino code to identify microcontroller MAC address

Figure 4: MAC address output (example)


Test the implemented design and provide the results on the Milestone 3 page of the project site

For Milestone 3, the team worked on:

System Diagram


Overall, our teamwork has been pretty good. We evaluated each member of our team on four main metrics: 

Ben: From the rest of the team's feedback, Ben has been doing well in terms of participation, timeliness, and development of product. There has been some communication issues, but after discussing them, the team found solutions.

Brandon: Overall Brandon has been doing well in timeliness and development of the product, however there were some missteps in participation and communication due to other obligations. After our evaluation meeting on 2/20, these categories have seen good improvements. 

Carly: Carly did not receive anything negative based on the feedback from other team members, but she has reflected that she has not been that involved in the development of the product and plans on helping more and providing support to everyone else.

Nick: From the feedback given, Nick has done well in participation and timeliness, but has faltered a little bit in terms of communication and product development. This period, however, was very brief and Nick is dedicated to improving and assisting the team.