
Wireless Cardiac Telemetry


This project introduced an innovative approach to wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) systems as a solution to the challenges posed by current wired systems in hospital cardiac monitoring. These challenges include patient mobility restrictions due to wired connections, alarm fatigue among nurses and technicians caused by frequent false alarms from accidental disconnections, and material waste resulting from the loss or theft of wires and sensors. The proposed system utilizes Bluetooth transmitter-receiver technology to enable seamless data transmission without physical connections between nodes, enhancing patient comfort and mobility and reducing nurse stress and material waste. The system’s electrical footprint is slated to be within 50 cubic millimeters, consisting of the Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Sense Bluetooth microcontroller, a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, a DC battery, and a noninverting op-amp. A custom printed circuit board (PCB) will serve as the interlayer connecting the microcontroller to the battery and electrode. Utilizing wireless Bluetooth connections allows patients a mobility radius of 5 meters. By maintaining the accuracy and reliability of cardiac monitoring, the system aimed to provide an efficient and secure wireless cardiac telemetry (WCT) solution. This novel application of wireless technology in medical settings overcame security requirements and significantly advanced hospital cardiac monitoring. 

Keywords: Wireless Cardiac Telemetry (WCT), Electrocardiogram (ECG), Heart Rate, Bluetooth Transmitter and Receiver.

Ansary Competition Semi-Finalist Pitch Video

Potential Design for a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

Design Iterations