Project Overview

Track your exposure to COVID-19 and take control of your health.

Why is Our Solution Unique?

Now you may be thinking ... there are already Quarantine Tracker and Covid Tracing Apps out there what makes this one different? We designed our app to be the simplest to use. Some of our app's key features that have been implemented / can be implemented in the future include (Bolded if Implemented:

  • Alert if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive

  • A symptom tracker

  • Calendar to show quarantine timelines

  • An Add Test Results / Exposures button and prompting a form asking

      • How exposed

      • When

      • Who you have seen

      • Who exposed you / gave it to you

  • A Friends page to see the statuses of the people of your friends list

  • Accounts

  • A home page, friends page, account page

Most of the other quarantine trackers only focus on one side of either symptom tracking OR Quarantine status'. Our app focuses on both and introduces the idea of adding a vaccination to allow for logic for friends on your friends list to know if you are vaccinated. Our app also is intended to act as more of a social media type app with friends lists and statuses to allow for circles of people to hang out safely while knowing each other's covid statuses. This way the app is not state and location specific like other existing apps but for the people you interact with.

What we were able to accomplish

Over the course of this semester we were able to learn what it actually takes to come up with an idea and follow through with every aspect of it through until the end. We also learned what is important information that needs to be thoroughly prior to the actual implementation of the product. While our group was fortunate enough to be able to have an implementation aspect, we carefully went through all of the lessons prior and then went back to assure the accuracy of our information. As far as what we were able to accomplish for our implementation you can see below:

Backend: Fully designed, created and implemented a NodeJS server that uses ExpressJS to route API's for the frontend to use. See Backend Documentation for further information on modeling and routes.

Frontend: Fully working user authentication, with an amalgamation of fully working dynamic buttons/features and demonstrative UI using React Native and our Backend.

Further Project Documentation

Group Documentation

Final Result ...

Project Proposal

GitHub Repositories