Needs Assessment

Objective: Create an app that allows users to track user information related to COVID-19. This will include symptom tracking, quarantine time in relation to positive exposure, and vaccination status.

Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation on the virus has caused confusion on effective quarantines when exposed to positive individuals through 1st contact, 2nd contact, or 3rd contact. This application will ease the confusion of potentially exposed individuals to notify them when they could start experiencing symptoms, when they should get tested, and how long they should be in quarantine. The intent of this project is to limit the potential spread of COVID-19 and allow users to take control of their health.

Methodology: Using programs such as React Native, Node JS, Express JS, Heroku, and MongoDB to develop the mobile app in the near future. We can use the user information to provide recommendations on what the next steps for the user should be.

Expected Results: Produce a functional application that has both a front end and a backend to allow users to track their contact tracing, quarantine status, vaccine status, as well as more in relation to COVID-19. The app will have an aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, and efficient user interface to allow users to track their health with ease. We also expect that once we are done with this application that it could be expanded into a digital health passport.

Costs: The development of this app will not cost any money to produce. The programming software we are using has no cost.