
Team Responsibilities

Dorzhi Denisov

Chiripol Sirikakan

Team Assessments

The team faced some challenges with the initial idea for our design project, which made us change our project midway through the semester. This switch caused delays, so we're only now getting started on the initial design and testing. Despite this, we managed to complete all our academic assignments on time by meeting twice a week. Our performance can be considered acceptable, but we're planning to catch up on the project during winter break.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Dorzhi Denisov

Strengths: Technical skills, organization, and consistency. 

Weaknesses: Collaboration, often considers own solutions to be superior.

Chiripol Sirikakan

Strengths: Effective communication, proficient problem-solving, and efficient code optimization.

Weaknesses: Easily distracted, lack of structure, chaotic, tends to engage in secondary activities