
Project Name

Modular Open Source Swarm


Drones and drone swam research is rapidly expanding into fields such as exploration, warehouse logistics, and entertainment. However, drone swarm research can often be difficult to set up and expensive to acquire. The Modular Open Source Swarm project group aimed to provide students and hobbyists with a modular, cheap, and open source software and hardware package for basic swarm research. The swarm integrated a ROS2 environment and 3D printed chassis, and it allowed for drones to easily be added and removed from the system with the swarm autonomously updating to the new member count. By combining an open source framework with a lower barrier to entry, this project could provide a wide foundation for the introductory swarm robotics research necessary to drive this field forward.


Luisa Bonfim

Benjamin Mirisola

Cameron Murphy

Kevin Ward


Professor Yi Guo

