Milestone 2

The Plan is to develop a modular robotic swarm system where a new robot can be added at any point during the process. The hardware and software used shall be open source and maintained at a low cost to allow for students and independent researchers to utilize our product

2.1 Project Plan

2.2 Concepts

Most of the concepts developed by the team can be divided into software, hardware, and swarm concepts. Regarding each section, the concepts are not so much unique and stand-alone ideas but combinations of different options for robot and system characteristics. 

The concepts for the hardware within the robot (outside of the computer) were compared via price and functionality.




Some common combinations that were brought up within the team were as follows:

Concept 1

Concept 2

Concept 3

2.3 Concept Selection

The third concept was chosen for the following reasons:

2.4 Design

Simplified System Diagram

Robot Flowchart (Turning On)

Robot Flowchart (Swarm)

2.5 Analysis

Robot Hardware Specifications:

Robot Software Specifications:

2.6 Test Plan