Milestone 4 & Poster


During the development process, we have found a variety of issues regarding our data sources as well as our algorithmic techniques. In discovering these flaws, we were able to address them in order to continue development on the project. Initially, we had only intended to segment our data on a State-by-State basis. Instead, as we continued to analyze the dataset, we found that the data was better segmented by either district or by county. This allows us to draw stronger correlations between the input data and the output data.

In addition, we recently added demographics from the 2000s, which increased our dataset size. Overall, this has resulted in a growth in our R^2 score from the previous Milestone. Below is depicted our new Neural Network model and it's performance.

Results from the Neural Network portion of the algorithm. On the left is the predicted vs. actual results for a given candidate, with the Mean Squared Error for each rating category plotted as a line. Above are the results from the model analysis, which depicts the Mean Squared Error and the R^2 value.

Results from the Random Forest portion of the algorithm. Similar to the diagram from above, and depicting an R^2 value > 0.5. This indicates that we have continued to improve the model since the previous milestone, but progress still needs to be made in order to get accurate enough predictions.


  • 6.1 The student will be able to define operational and performance tests to evaluate the operation of their senior design project. They will demonstrate the ability to perform these tests, adapt their design based on the results, and present the outcome in their Innovation Expo poster session and the Spring final report.


  • 5.2 The student will be able to develop and maintain a project plan and task breakdown, and will be able to adapt their plan to changing requirements and understanding of the technical problems. They will demonstrate this ability through standard project management tools and timely completion of their senior design project.
