Milestone 1


Potential Customers

  • Media outlets.

  • Those with significant economic or ego investment in an election.

  • Politically engaged civilians.

  • Active voters.



  • A data source with a large amount of well formatted data to train the algorithm.

    • Data at the federal and state levels that accurately reflects the relationship between demographics and election results.

  • An accurate, quick algorithm for election prediction at a federal and state level.


  • A clear, easily understood user interface.

  • The option for user input potential changes into the algorithm to predict results under different conditions, including smaller scale elections.


  • B.E.E.G.U.S shall report predicted outcomes and indicate causes for results.

  • B.E.E.G.U.S shall provide actionable input for altering campaign outcomes.

  • B.E.E.G.U.S shall offer analytic insights into voting population and voter needs.

  • B.E.E.G.U.S shall dynamic predictable outcomes, taking into account voter populations, political trends and potential action that could change results.

Requirements-Needs Mapping

The B.E.E.G.U.S. AI needs to be able to accurately predict election outcomes. This will require a large amount of data which is accurate, but also properly formatted and analyzed. Inaccurate or incorrectly-analyzed data will result in a less accurate prediction. This algorithm also needs to be able to produce several different results in order to appeal to a wider market.

Having accurate and formatted data is the foundation to our project. This will be what determines all of our requirements. The ability for the AI to produce accurate predictions relies on how good our data is. We also want to provide dynamic outcomes, which will be aided by a helpful user interface. The easier our AI is to use, the better the dynamic predictions will be for the user.