Team Assessment + Responsibilities

Team Responsibilities

Chris Alessandri

Project Manager

Michael Banks

Embedded Systems Developer

Elliott Braverman

Hardware Developer

Marc DiGeronimo

Cloud Engineer

Jason Li

Cloud Systems Engineer

Xavion McClary-Fagan

Web Developer

Team Assessments

The team has been actively communicating and meeting in-person to discuss progress in the Senior Design project. The team meets in-person twice a week before and during Senior Design and has communicated actively via Discord to debrief and delegate present and future deliverables for both Senior Design and IDE. The team also regularly updates the Google Site and Google Drive project folder which is accessible to the team members and the Senior Design advisor. Weekly meeting minutes are reviewed to indicate what was accomplished and what still needs to be done.

The team's current progress has progressed without significant obstacles, and each member has stayed on top of their duties. These duties are delegated to members based on their strengths, skills, and interests. Besides the deliverables for Senior Design and IDE, the members have been working on initial conception and trial runs of image processing via OpenCV and the notification system via AWS. There have been no conflicts at the current moment.

Strengths & Weaknesses





