Milestone 2

Milestone 2: Project Plan, Concepts, Design Analysis, and Test Plan

2.1: Project Plan

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Manager: Chris Alessandri

Network Developers: Marc DiGeronimo, Jason Li

Hardware Developers: Elliott Braverman, Michael Banks, Xavion McClary-Fagan


An image processing algorithm will detect what type of mail a user receives. This is run on an AWS cloud network that includes SageMaker Machine Learning stored by S3 Buckets. When the service is run, AWS SNS will email and text the user directly.


A sensor detects if the door is open. When it does, the camera will start recording and take pictures of the mail. The image data is then sent to a Raspberry Pi Pico W that will then send the image to the AWS cloud network.

Project Management

Team communication is done via Discord to discuss ideas, proposals, and implementations of any design concepts. A Google Drive folder contains all files and are accessible to the team as well as to the team's Senior Design advisor. The team meets twice a week to discuss their progress and meets with their Senior Design Advisory every other week.

Work Breakdown Structure

Pre-Alpha (September - December 2023)

Alpha Stage (December 2023 - April 2024)

Gantt Chart

2.2 Concepts

Acceptance Criteria

Success Criteria

Our device shall successfully address our target market. It shall provide an additional layer of convenience that people find to be desirable. It shall have the capability to be integrated into peoples’ day to day lives with relatively low risk of failure.

Out of Scope




Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

2.3: Concept Selection (via KT Analysis)

Preliminary Notes:












Improved Morphological Chart

2.4: Design

System Diagram/Architecture

Process Flowchart

2.5: Analysis

Hardware Specifications

The hardware in our project involve these components:

Software Specifications

The software is mainly reliant on these following technologies

2.6: Test Plan

The team will first experiment with the minimal amount of components necessary to conduct an MVP test. The System Developers will be working on the image processing algorithm using OpenCV and Python running on a local computer attached to the Raspberry Pi Camera Module. The Network Developers will work on the AWS cloud infrastructure and set up the Simple Notification Service and SageMaker. This should be completed or wrapped up by the end of January.

System Developers will test if edge detection on a package or letter can be detected. Network Developers will test if the AWS SageMaker and Simple Notification Service pushes real-time descriptive notifications to the user's device.

The System Developers will then integrate the rudimentary image processing algorithm to the motion sensor and Raspberry Pi Pico W. If there is extra time, more work can be done on making additional features to the image processing.

The Network Developers will work on porting the image processing algorithm developed by the System Developers to the AWS Cloud infrastructure.

Once these separate processes are satisfactory, all the components and phases will be combined together to produce a whole system.