Milestone 3

3.1 Implementation

For the prototype inplementation, we put an MPU 6050 6 axis accelerometer and gyroscope sensor module on a glove for one hand, and hardwired the module directly to the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is mounted on top of the headset. The housing for the headset is a custom 3d print secured on the head via an elastic strap. The Raspberry Pi is powered through a cable that is coneected to an external battery pack. Lastly, inside the headset is an Galaxy S9 phone running a remote desktop to the Raspberry Pi to display objects.

3.2 Test

Our first test was to ensure that the raspberry pi can read the sensor data in this configuration. The test succeeded, so the next steps is to now use the data for to position virtual objects, and to add more sensors to the headset and other hand for accuracy.

3.3 Teamwork

Overall our team has worked effectively together, with each member taking on important tasks within their designated domains.

Jonathan Amir

Jonathan is in charge of the technological progress of the device. Ensuring that the technology is progressing both in a logical order and with proper functionality

Sebastian LoPiano

Sebastian bridges the gap of a technological project to a marketable product. Taking on much of the software engineering, he brings the scope of the project towards a functional and desirable device.

Tyler Reinert

Tyler uses his background in business analytics to provide consumer metrics, marketability assessments, and potential growth opportunities.