Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests:  Organizational Learning, Strategic and Behavioral Decision Making, Strategic Management.

I. Organizational Learning as Credit Assignment

1. Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang and Daniel Levinthal. 2004. From T-mazes to Labyrinths: Learning from Model-based Feedback. Management Science. 50(10), 1366-1378.

2. Christina Fang and Daniel Levinthal. 2009. Near Term Liability of Exploitation: Exploration and Exploitation in Multi-stage Problems. Organization Science. 20(3), 538-551.

3. Christina Fang. 2012. Organizational Learning as Credit Assignment – A Model and Two Experiments. Organization Science. 23(6), 1717-1732.

II. Implication of Credit Assignment for Strategy

4. Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang and Sidney Winter. 2003. The Economics of Strategic Opportunity. Strategic Management Journal. 24(10): 977-990.

5. Jerker Denrell and Christina Fang. 2010. Predicting the Next Big Thing: Success as a Signal of Poor Judgment. Management Science. 56(10), 1653-1667.

6. Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang and Zhanyun Zhao. 2013. Inferring Superior Capabilities from Sustained Superior Performance: A Bayesian Analysis. Strategic Management Journal. 34 (2), 182–196.

7. Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang and Chengwei Liu. 2015. Chance Explanations in Management Sciences. Organization Science. 26(3), 923-940. (Perspective Article).

8. Chengwei Liu, Ivo Vlaev, Christina Fang, Jerker Denrell and Nick Chater. 2017.  Strategizing with Biases: Making Better Decisions using the Mindspace ApproachCalifornia Management Review (special issue on Behavioral Strategy and Management Practice). 59(3). 135-161. 

9. Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang and Chengwei Liu. 2019. In Search of Behavioral Opportunities from Misattribution of Luck. Academy of Management Review. 44(4). 896–915. 

III. Organizational Learning in Interdependent Contexts

10. Christina Fang, Jeho Lee and Melissa Schilling. 2010. Balancing Exploration and Exploitation through Structural Design: The Isolation of Subgroups and Organization Learning. Organization Science. 21(3), 625-642.

11. Melissa Schilling and Christina Fang. 2014. When Hubs Forget, Lie and Play Favorites: Interpersonal Network Structure, Information Distortion and Organizational Learning. Strategic Management Journal. 35(7), 974-994.

12. Christina Fang, Jason Kim and Frances Milliken. 2014. When Bad News is Sugar-coated: Information Distortion, Organizational Search and the Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Strategic Management Journal. 35(8), 1186-1201.

13. Christina Fang and Jason Kim. 2018. The Power and Limits of Modularity: A Replication and Reconciliation. Strategic Management Journal. 39:2547-2565.

14. Christina Fang and Jason Kim. 2023. Is Modularity Robust to Mismatches? A Formal Test. Industrial and Corporate Change. 32(1): 47-60.

IV. Individual Antecedents to Organizational Learning

15. Amitav Chakravarti, Christina Fang and Zur Shapira. 2011. Detecting and Reacting to Change: The Effect of Exposure to Narrow Categorizations.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 37(6), 1563–1570.

16. Christina Fang, Sari Carp and Zur Shapira. 2011. Prior Divergence: Do Researchers and Participants Share the Same Prior Probability Distributions? Cognitive Science. 35, 744–762.

V. Behavioral Strategy

17. Christina Fang. Behavioral Strategy. Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. 2013.

18. Christina Fang. Theoretical Models of Organizational Learning. Palgrave Encyclopedia of Management Theory. Sage. 2013.

19. Mie Augier, Christina Fang and Violina Rindova (Editors) Behavioral Strategy in Perspective: Introduction. Advances in Strategic Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2018.

20. Christina Fang and Chengwei Liu. An Alternative Account of Superior Profitability? In Behavioral Strategy in Perspective. Advances in Strategic Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2018.

VI.  Misc

21. Christina Fang, Steve Kimbrough, Annapurna Valluri, Eric Zheng and Stefano Pace. 2002. On Adaptive Emergence of Trust Behavior in the Game of Stag Hunt. Group Decision and Negotiation. 11:449-467.  

22. Christina Fang. Why Learning From A Pandemic Can Be Illusive. Management Department Research Brief. July 2020.