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Collections & Digital Exhibits

Here you will find selections from our archival collections. For further information about available resources, search the archives or contact Many guests find the frequently used resources page a good place to begin research on any SEU-related topic.

SEU Newspapers, Yearbooks, & Publications

Produced by the university and the student population, this collection also includes academic journals, university catalogues, and books. 

Wild Basin

Defying all the odds, this nature preserve was established via historic real estate deals in 1978. This extensive collection includes board minutes, newsletters, and numerous photographs. 

Texas Craft Brewing & Distilling

We're on a mission to capture the stories of today's Texas brewers and distillers so that future generations can raise a glass in their honor. 


Records and photographs from the nation's longest continuously running College Assistance Migrant Program, which has been operating at SEU since 1972.

Farmworkers March

In 1966 SEU housed Cesar Chavez & farmworkers on the night before they completed the final steps of their historic march.

Memories from the Hilltop

Alumni return to campus to share stories of their triumphs, trials, and best pranks pulled during their time at the university.

St. Edward's High School

The High School closed in 1967 and left behind yearbooks, newspapers, sports-related ephemera and the memory of being converted into a military academy during WWII.


A collection of programs, photographs, and speeches from SEU commencement ceremonies.

Presidential Papers

A list of the university's presidents and selections from thier records.

Tornado of 1922

Photographs and personal narratives of the devastating tornado that struck campus in 1922.

The Haunting of the Hilltop

A selection of campus ghost stories and folklore.

Mary Moody Northen Theatre

Includes production photos and programs from all eras of the department's 50-year history.

Faculty & Student Scholarship

Includes community projects, dissertations, theses, and other academic work.

Historical Videos

Videos that depict campus life, events, and the ever-evolving landscape from the 1940s-1990s.

Campus Buildings

Featuring original blueprints by Nicholas Clayton and photographs from the 1903 fire in Main Building.

Br. Daniel Lynch

Highly-respected botanist, much-beloved professor, devout Brother of Holy Cross.

Natural Sciences Senior Seminar

Since 1993 the School of Natural Sciences has held a Seminar to present student research.

WWI Belgian Flour Sack Art

More than two dozen art works that were done on WWI relief sacks in order to keep them out of German hands.


SEU is home to two medieval choral books.

Jazz Vinyl

Visit the SEU Archives to listen to over 3,000 jazz albums.

COVID-19: The Hilltop Perspective

In March of 2020 the world went into lockdown and the students of St. Edward's documented their experiences as they happened.

Lonestar Catholic

An Austin Catholic news publication which includes a column by Brothers of Holy Cross at SEU. Coverage includes 1957-1960.

Texas Society Magazines

An insider's view on Texas style from 2011-2023.

Signs of the Zodiac

12 paintings done by Br. Hilarion Brezik in 1978 which now hang in Munday Library.