General Rules

Library Rules

 Working Hours

The library is open from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all class days and from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on other days except Sundays, public holidays, and specially announced holidays of the college.


1. Only the staff and students of the college are entitled to use the library.

2. On special request, outsiders are also admitted for a short period for reference only with the permission of the Principal.

3. To become a member, a person has to fill out a prescribed application form and submit it at the counter.

4. All members should return the books borrowed from the library before they proceed on a long period of leave.

 Conditions of Loan

1. Students are given borrower’s cards, which are not transferable.

2. Four books can be borrowed from the B.Ed students and Six books can be borrowed the M.Ed. students at a time and the period of loan for students will be 14 days.

3. A maximum of 10 books will be issued to the members of the staff for a period of 14 days and can be further renewed.

4. The request for renewal should be received in the library before the due date of return.

5. Renewal will not be done if the book is under reservation.

6. The librarian may fix a shorter period of loan for a book, which is in great demand, or withdraw a book from circulation temporarily or permanently without any reason thereof.

7. An overdue charge of Re. 1 per day per volume shall be collected if the book is kept beyond the period of loan specified above (14 days) or fixed by the librarian.

8. The librarian reserves the right to allow more books on special request if any.

9. Reference books and journals are not usually issued for use outside the library. If at all issued on special permission, it will be only for an overnight reference. Thereafter it should be returned to the library the very next morning as soon as the library opens.  An overdue charge of fifty paise for each hour of delay will be levied from the defaulter.

10. Rare books, books of the very high cost will not be issued out.

11. A member can reserve a book that is on loan.

12. Books loaned may be renewed for a further period of 7 days provided no other reader has reserved the same.

 General Rules

1. All members are requested to maintain absolute silence in and around the library.

2. Members shall not engage in conversation in any part of the library so as to cause annoyance to any other reader.

3. Personal belongings such as bags, umbrellas, printed matter, etc. must be left at the property counter. Only white papers can be taken for writing purpose.

4. Members shall not write upon, damage or mark on any book belonging to the library.

5. Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the books or any property belonging to the library and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the librarian.

6. Library reserves the right to check any document taken out of the library.

7. The members caught tearing pages, stealing books will be suspended forthwith from using the library facilities and the college will initiate further disciplinary action against them.

8. In case of loss of book, the borrower shall replace the book. If the replacement is not done within 15 days, the defaulter will be charged that three times the cost of the book is in print or four times if the book is out of print.

9. If the multi volume set is damaged or lost the member concerned must replace it with a copy of the same edition. If it is not available the member shall be liable to replace the whole set.

10. Chairs after use should be kept in their proper places.

11. Switch off mobile phones inside the library.