Classroom Management

Music Class Expectations

Individual Behavior Redirection Steps

The Rainbow Board

We have two designated bulletin boards in the back of the music classroom that collectively make up our "Rainbow of Great Choices!" Each homeroom has a place on one of the Rainbow Boards.

Strikes and Pins

During each class period every class has the opportunity to earn a pin on the Rainbow Board. They do this by earning fewer than 3 strikes. Strikes and pins are earned as a class because we are a team.  At the end of the class period if they have 0, 1, or 2 strikes they have earned their pin for the day! 

Music Parties

Once a class earn 5 pins they have earned a music party! The music party is held during the music class period after the fifth pin is earned. At that time, the five pins are taken down from the rainbow board and are replaced with a gold star. The class with the most gold stars at the end of the school year wins the Grand Prize Music Party!

As the students know, music parties "are not food parties, and are not run around like crazy parties" :) As a class, we vote on a music-related activity that we will do during the party. This might be playing a game, watching a movie, using instruments, creating music compositions/performances in small groups, completing a coloring or other craft activity, etc. All party activities are grade-level appropriate and align with the St. Charles music curriculum and Archdiocesan music standards. And, we never do the same party activity for two parties in a row, so each class is rewarded with a variety of fun music parties!