Class Descriptions & Expectations

Science is always exciting! Every class will have labs with their chapters. Labs are designed to spark scientific interest, enhance understanding of concepts, and build lab skills for high school. The students will have a range of lab types – from basic (paper based) to virtual (computer based) to traditional (hands on). Each of these labs will expose students to different facets of scientific research and experimentation.

Each grade will have a different subject of study:

6th grade: Earth & Space Science

We will build on the science curriculum from 5th grade. We will

explore weather, the composition of the Earth, & the solar system.

7th grade: Life Science

We will begin with cells – the basic unit of life, and then study all the

systems of the body. Plants will end our year.

8th grade: Physical Science

Chemistry & physics helps to explain the how & why of how the

world works. The students have ample opportunity for hands on


Students will be assessed in a variety of ways, according to this scale:

Chapter & unit tests: 50 to 60%

Lab sheets & reports: 20 to 30%

Daily work & homework: 10% or less

Science Fair Project: 20 to 25%

Absences are understandable. Missed homework assignments should be made up within a few days of returning to school. Missed tests should be made up within a week of returning to school – but the sooner the better. If a lab is missed, the teacher will determine if it needs to be made up.

Students should come to class each day with:

· Notebook/folder

· Pen/pencil

· Science book

· Chrome book

· A positive attitude!