Autumn - Core Subjects


Aut 1: Coming to England

Our first class story this half term is called ‘Coming to England’ which is a true story about a little girl called Floella, who moved from Trinidad to England when she was just ten years old.  The children will be given the opportunity to make comparisons between Floella’s life in Trinidad to her life in England, which ties in with our Geography topic. By the end of the half term, the children will be able to sequence and retell the events of the story and the journey that Floella faced coming to England.

Aut 2: Rosie Revere Engineer

Our class story in the second half of the autumn term is called ‘ Rosie Revere Engineer’ which is a story of a girl called Rosie who makes inventions. Whilst reading the story, the children will also learn facts about Tower Bridge and the reason why it was built. This has a lovely cross-curricular link to our Design and Technology topic all about mechanics. By the end of the autumn term, the children will write an information leaflet to inform others about Tower Bridge containing lots of information and interesting facts!


Click here for a RWI guide for parents, including information on the speed sounds. 

In the Autumn term we teach phonics three times a week.  The children are grouped according to their phonic knowledge. We teach all sounds from sets 1, 2 and 3. 

The children also build their reading fluency and reading comprehension skills. 

How to say the sounds

Understanding phonics


Place Value

Place value underpins the knowledge and skills of many mathematical concepts. Through this topic we build on the children's learning from Y1 exploring numbers to 20. The children should be confident with representing numbers to 20 in various ways. 

The children will learn to recognise the place value of each two-digit number using tens and ones. Throughout this topic the children will be partition numbers up to 100 using base 10, part-whole models and rekenreks. For example, 35 can be partitioned into 3 tens (30) and 5 ones (5). They will also write numbers in their expanded form: 35 =  30 +5 

As well as representing two-digit numbers in many ways, the children will also learn to order and compare them. 

Addition & Subtraction

In Y2, the children will learn to add and subtract using concrete objects, pictorial representations and mentally. 

The children will be able to recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 with fluency. They will make links and look for patterns when solving related facts to 100. For example, if I know 6 + 4 = 10, then I know 60 + 40 = 100. 

It is important that all children are fluent in their number bonds to and within 20. This is an area you can support them with at home. Here is a number bonds song.

Through this topic the children will also learn that adding two numbers can be done in any order (addition is commutative), whereas subtraction cannot be done in any order. 


Through our shape topic, the children will learn about the properties of both 2-D and 3-D shapes. 

They will learn how to identify and describe the properties of 2-D shapes including the number of sides and lines of symmetry. 

They will also learn how to identify and describe 3-D shapes, including the number of edges, faces and vertices. 

By the end of this topic the children should be able to compare common 2-D and 3-D shapes. 

Further information about this topic and the vocabulary used can be found here


Numbots helps the children to develop their recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction. 

*The children will use their same account login details from Y1. 

Religious Education


Through our first Autumn topic, the children explore the idea that God is with us at every new beginning. 

They therefore learn about the story of Creation. The children retell the story and learn some phrases from psalms. 

Through this topic the children learn that we are kind and loving because that is how God made us. 

The children are given opportunities to think about new beginnings they have experienced and how they felt. They then write prayers that they can say at new beginnings. 


This topic focuses on signs and symbols, encouraging children to look out for them in their everyday life. 

They learn in detail about the first sacrament: Baptism. In particular they focus on the symbols of Baptism and their significance and importance. This includes; the candle, water, oil and white garment. 

During this topic, we have a visit from one of our local priests who brings in with them special artifacts and symbols used during a catholic baptism. 


Children understand that Advent is a time of waiting. It is a time for preparations and gives us the opportunity to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. 

Through this topic the children build on their knowledge of the signs and symbols of Advent. 

They also look closely at the annunciation and consider how Mary might have felt at this time. 

Nativity - this is a very exciting time of year for Year Two as we have the opportunity to perform and retell one of the most important religious events. 

Other faith - Judaism

During the Autumn term, we learn about Judaism as part of our learning about other faiths. 

The children learn about  the importance of Shabbat and know about the events that take place.  Finally, the children consider similarities and differences between Judaism and Christianity.