Higher Education Innovation Fund [HEIF]
Equity Leaders & Guides 2.0 [EL&G 2.0]

2023-24 HEIF EL&G 2.0 Partner Project  

Equity champions are cultivated by strengthening relationships and continuously refining our communications. We aim to humanize our processes and procedures, fostering deeper connections. Working with our Western Massachusetts Partners; Berkshire and Holyoke Community Colleges, Springfield College and Westfield State University we strive to exchange ideas and learn with and from each other as we gain more knowledge, enhance our skills and advance the equity agenda across all our campuses.

Scroll down to view our 2024 HEIF EL&G 2.0 Programming

Press releases: 

2023-24 HEIF EL&G 2.0 Presentation Schedule 

2023-24 HEIF EL&G 2.0 Grant Presentation Schedule

Click upper right corner to enlarge the 2024 HEIF EL&G 2.0 Presentation Schedule. Mark your calendars & scroll down this webpage for more details & links to Zooms & surveys.

How this page funtions.

Learn how this webpage functions.

Books we are reading:

If you have not yet received your book, connect with your campuses Project Director.

2023-24 HEIF EL&G 2.0 Individual Action Plans: due by 4pm on Monday, September 16, 2024

Watch this 3 minute video to learn how to complete your Action Plan.

Purpose: The purpose of an Action Plan is to give you a framework for thinking about how you will complete your equity goals efficiently.  Your Action Plan will also serve as a deliverable and support you in your eligibility for your HEIF EL&G 2.0 stipend.  

Tasks: After reflecting upon the equity work you have been engaged in, determine three (3) changes that you would like to make in your  practices. Your action plan should include goals that stem from each of the three major focus areas in our workshops: humanizing,  relationship building, and TILTing. The knowledge building and introspective work we did in our CES Implicit Bias workshops should guide  you in choosing goals that are important to you.  

Pause for 2024 Summer Break from June 19 - August 23, 2024 | Enjoy your summer!

TILTing Student Facing Documents | Facilitated by Mary Ann Winkelmes Workshop | Tuesday, June 18, 2024 |
6-7:30pm [EST]  Virtual

TILT Workshop June 18, 2024 with Mary Ann Winklemes

2024 June 18 TILT Slides.pdf

Slides from TILT Workshop June 18, 2024 with  Mary Ann Winklmes

EL&Gers' Reflections on TILTing and Mary Ann Winklemes' June 18, 2024 Workshop

This highly interactive workshop introduces participants to TILT and the data that demonstrates how a small change to existing teaching will increase student success equitably. Participants will collaborate to analyze an example student assignment from one of the TILT research studies, (before and after it was revised to be more transparent). Faculty and staff will leave with a concise set of strategies for incorporating small changes for greater transparency and equity in their teaching or collaborative work. 

The Collaborative for Educational Services [CES]  Workshop Monday June 17, 2024 | In Person | 8 am to Noon [EST]

Monday June 17, 2024 | 8am - Noon

Before arriving to the workshop EL&G 2.0’ers will: 

EL&Gers' Reflections on the June 17, 2024 Workshop

EL&Gers were most engaged when:

June 17, 2024 Courageous Conversations Workshop

June 17, 2024 Courageous Conversations Workshop

Relationship Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College: Part 2  |
June 11, 2024 | 6-7:30 pm [EST]

Peter Felten's June 11, 2024 workshop and slides 

EL&Gers' Reflections on Peter Felten's June 11, 2024 Workshop

Zoom:  https://stcc-edu.zoom.us/j/94007726075 Tuesday, June 11, 2024 | 6-7:30pm Virtual

Objectives for Peter's Part 2 Workshop


Additional Resources Featuring Relationship Building:

Curated by our STCC EL&G colleague Aimee Racicot,

Equity Skills Training Workshops with The Collaborative for Educational Services  [CES]
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 | 8am to 3pm | In Person on the STCC Campus 

Tuesday June 4, 2024 | 8am - 3pm 

Before arriving to the workshop EL&G 2.0’ers will: 

Slide Deck

Select the following link to view the slides for our session, Brave, Courageous, & Generative Conversation

During the CES Workshop EL&G 2.0’ers will:

Outline of the Day:

Wheel of Privilege and Power view an enlarged image of the wheel.


Mehl, C. & Haidt, J. (2022, November 30). How to defuse a classroom conflict: Make it more complex. The Chronicles of Higher Education.

Five practices to help students break through all the binary thinking. There’s a powerful way to reduce fear and get people talking in a constructive way: Increase the complexity.

Constructive Dialogue Institute  Free for faculty members to use with their students, the five-year-old program weaves  together psychological concepts with interactive scenarios and aims to teach practical skills for navigating difficult conversations.

The STCC Library has compiled the Systemic Racism and Injustice libguide includes information and resources such as key terms defined. The libguide also provides links to anti-racism eBooks, books, films and videos, articles, data and statistics, civic action and how to help. 

Attendees working in large conference room

Images from the June 4, 2024 workshop.  EL&Gers convening on the Springfield Technical Community College campus.

Attendees working in large conference room
Attendees working in large conference room
Attendees working in large conference room

Relationship Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College: Part 1 
| May 28, 2024 | 6-7:30 pm [EST]

May 28, 2024 Peter Felten.

2024 STCC HEIF ELG - 28 May -Peter Felten- mentimeter results.pdf
2024 STCC HEIF ELG - 28 May - Peter Felten_mentimeter results (1).xlsx

Above: Mentimeter results in different formats

2024 STCC HEIF ELG - 28 May 2024 - Part-1_Felten.pdf

May 28, 2024 Peter Felten's slide deck

May 28, 2024 | Relationship Rich Education | Author Peter Felten Workshop Part 1  | This workshop will be recorded 

It was very useful to learn how helpful it is for students to engage in peer tutoring and peer mentoring. I knew it was helpful for the students receiving such mentorship, but I didn't know it was also so good for the students giving it.

The idea that just one meaningful relationship can have a large impact.

Breaking the ice among students may help to break walls between students.

Discussion of the importance of students building relationships with each other, not just with us.

Really liked the ideas shared both by Peter and in the small groups.

The three things to help students--understand, learn strategies, act in building relationships.

I think he made it clear that what works for one students or one group of students may not always work for everything student or group.

The validation theory, student need more than just encouragement- they also need info and knowledge too.

Emphasis on the ways that small interactions can have a big difference in a student's life. It only takes one person to light a fire within a student to make a difference. It was affirming. The examples of student stories of success were inspiring.

I am really interested in asking my colleagues questions about their experiences. I think having curiosity about our colleagues' lives will go a really long way toward strengthening those relationships.

Idea from the breakout room of building "side-by-side" relationships, not just face-to-face.

- EL&G Participants

Humanizing Online Teaching to Equitize Higher Education | May 21, 2024 | 6-7:30pm [EST]

A technical glitch did not allow us to capture a recording of Michelle's 2024 workshop.  This is Michelle from 2023 and her May 21, 2024 Workshop Slides. Check out  Michelle's Website

The general principles covered in Michelle's workshop can be applied to almost anything, even in the staff realm. For example, just the idea of making documents more equitable using Michelle's creative approaches will be impactful.

Many student facing offices can use Michelle's ideas to revamp student facing informational documents and web content. Michelle's presentation encourages people to think outside of the box in a very unique way.  Staff and faculty can walk away with useful ideas and insights. 

Consider having conversations amongst the EL&G 2.0 guides on each of your campuses, to discuss how you might  incorporate Michelle's concepts.
-Ashley Pease, STCC EL&G 2.0  Faculty Fellow 

This was a great training. Very informative. I am really not sure I am qualified to "mitigate trauma" but I always try to be kind and inviting. I smile and go in with a positive outlook. I try to be encouraging, and present learning tools with various styles to accommodate the different people in my trainings.

Michelle's presentation was excellent. I love the idea of a liquid syllabus and adding bumper videos to the course materials.

-EL&G Participants

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 | 6-7:30 pm [EST] Virtual Zoom Workshop | This workshop will be recorded

Books Michelle mentioned during her workshop:

Pause for 2024 Summer Break from June 19 - August 23, 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024 HEIF EL&G 2.0 Grant | Partners Initial Meeting

Partners Meeting for April 22, from 4-5pm via Zoom. Next week I would like to share our presenters' scheduling for presenters and answer any questions. 

Feel free to start recruiting your equity leaders.  Here is some recruiting  language you might want to review, edit and/or use. I highly recommend including a Google Form for those interested. It will also help your organization. You may recruit 20-25 equity leaders & guides per campus [or more, if you have the interest]. 

2024 April 22 | HEIF EL&G 2.0 Grant Partners Initial Meeting

Click upper right corner to enlarge slide deck.

Recording from our April 22, 2024 HEIF EL&G 2.0 Partners Meeting

Below this point is
content from the original STCC 2022-23 HEIF  Equity Leaders & Guides [EL&G] |Scroll Back Up

Statement of Need:

The Massachusetts Higher Education Innovation Fund [HEIF] has granted STCC A $75,000 grant to create the Equity Leaders & Guides (EL&G). This project is designed to promote cross collaboration amongst faculty by offering opportunities for the exchange of equity-minded ideas, practices for integration and broadening the pool of trained campus equity champions.

STCC Spring 2022 FT Faculty Survey results pointed to faculty’s desire to:

● engage in implicit bias training and promising practices in retaining black/brown, underserved students,

● strengthen skills-building by exploring culturally relevant teaching practices,

● design equitable syllabi and course policies to promote student belonging,

● expand holistic advising practices, and

● use data to support this equity work.

EL&G Project Outcomes:

draw upon existing campus-wide equity work of the AIA and its subcommittees, driving equity minded practices and institutional transformation,

● unify what has been disparate training in culturally relevant practices

● increase academic and co-curricular opportunities to engage students in experiences that demonstrate civic mindedness.

EL&G Syllabus
The syllabus [below] is dynamic. You are invited to add comments by clicking into the document. 

When asked what participants found useful from the EL&G Process overall-to date:

"I feel that most faculty are on the same page when it comes to wanting to build relationships and to share information. We are not always given the right platform, this project has certainly allowed for it."

"I am generally quite timid and a little fearful to speak up especially in a group of new peers. I have been pleasantly surprised to find that this experience has been so positive and has made me feel comfortable to speak at times."

- EL&G Participants

HEIF EL&G Outcome & Objectives

HEIF Grant & Equity Leaders Guides' [EL&G] Information

EL&G-It's a practice. The journey is the destination

What & Why Thought Partners?

Thought partners meet and share ideas, experiences and reflections with one another to help each of you in your learning and teaching practices. 

In the spirit of cross collaboration, in most instances, you have been paired with someone across your department and division. Both of you will need to make an effort to build an intentional relationship with your partner.

Strive to get to know your Thought Partner.  Stretch your partner's thinking, practice some of the concepts & skills you will be learning, and practice your listening skills with your partner.

Throughout this process you will be asked to meet [virtually or in person outside our normal working day 8-4pm] and create some artifacts of your meetings [i.e. a document, video, summary etc].

EL&G Participants & Thought Partners 

More details are forthcoming. 

EL&G Participants & Thought Partners

Relationship Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College

February 15, 2023 | Relationship Rich Education | Author Peter Felten Workshop Part 1  | This workshop will be recorded | 5-7pm 

After February 15, 2023 Homework

EL&Gers' Reflections on Peter Felten's February 15 Workshop

When asked what participants found useful from the workshop:

"Although our small breakout rooms were people from all over campus, it was so reaffirming that we share many of the same issues and also that we think similarly."

"I thought the plant analogy was powerful. Though I'm sure I've heard it before, it was a reminder to think carefully about the environment we're creating for students. There's so much that goes into a classroom setting, but it's also something that we can easily modify so that students can grow."

"It was during the first breakout session. I really resonated with the other participants. For the first time, I felt like I wasn't alone in how I engage with students. I was hearing from others who have been doing this much longer than me, and they sounded enthusiastic and excited about this project and their work with students."

"Another powerful moment was the reference to one of the conversations from the book. The professor tells the students something along the lines of, "One of you is going to feel overwhelmed and anxious at the end of the semester and consider dropping the course. Please don't...." and then encouraged students to reach out. I connected with that dialogue and may steal it entirely or personalize it. I find that when I give real life examples and I'm honest with students (sometimes brutally honest), they engage, are more willing to participate and ask for help, and put more effort into assignments and participation."
- EL&G Participants

RRE reading-group-guide.pdf

Peter Felten's Reading Group Guide to acoompany his Relationship Rich Education text.

Springfield Tech CC - relationships in classroom and with colleagues - Feb 2023.pdf

Peter Felten #1 Workshop Slides

March 22, 2023 | Relationship Rich Education | Author Peter Felten Workshop Part 2 | This workshop will be recorded |  5-7pm 

Join Zoom Meeting


Objectives are to Review Homework from February 15, 2023 Workshop

Collaborate on this Google Doc during our workshop.
Please be aware this document is open to all for editing, take care when working here.

Post March 22, 2023 Workshop

EL&Gers' Reflections on Peter Felten's March 22 Workshop

When asked what participants found useful from the workshop:

"I found the dialogue amongst the participants very helpful. It was helpful to learn what others are doing already to build relationships with the students. One participant mentioned taking a few minutes at the end of each class to walk around the classroom and talk with students while they worked on a short activity. The goal was to meet each student throughout the semester. I also found the discussion about what students should call us very interesting. Lots of food for thought and many great ideas."

"I found that taking even 5-10 minutes during class to form and build relationships with students will go a long way to fostering a supportive learning environment. Small changes can make a huge difference."

"Hearing how others create relationships always generates new ideas for me to incorporate in my own classroom."

"Brainstorming different ways to build on these efforts."

"I feel that most faculty are on the same page when it comes to wanting to build relationships and to share information. We are not always given the right platform, this project has certainly allowed for it."

- EL&G Participants

March 22, 2023 Relationship Rich Education Part 2

Peter Felten's March 22, 2023 Workshop Agenda.

Recording from Peter Felten's March 22, 2023 workshop.

Equity Skills Training Workshops with The Collaborative for Educational Services

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Before arriving to the workshop EL&G’ers will: 

During the March 25 CES Workshop EL&G’ers will:

Outline of the Day:

EL&Gers' Reflections on Equity Skills March 25 Workshop

When asked what participants found most affirming from the workshop:

"Sabine [workshop facilitator] made me feel like it was okay to have my best mistake."

An attendee sitting next to me offered supportive comments and squeezed my hand in a very supportive way when I was discussing about how unsure I am of what I'm doing most days as new faculty."

"The way the facilitators engaged with the attendees and gave real life, real world experience and examples was great."

"I can't think of a specific action, but I thought the "power wheel" visual was fascinating and an accurate tool to teach and reflect on one's privilege and how groups are marginalized (or vice versa). Just to visually place myself and see how close to the "power center" I was in many categories was a real eye-opener." [Note the Power Wheel is embedded, below, under Resources.]

- EL&G Participants

2023 EL&G workshop participants listening to speaker

March 25, 2023 EL&G participants attended a day-long workshop.

EL&G celebratory cake

EL&G participants really did rock as they explored skills in learning to have generative conversations with their students and colleagues.

Paul Hernandez says "small steps lead to big victories," and describes important moments in his life. He notes that there are times when immediate needs outweigh the benefits of education, and that real talk helps individuals. "Part of being free is asking questions." Listen as Paul describes his unique story.

Wheel of Privilege and Power view an enlarged image of the wheel.


Mehl, C. & Haidt, J. (2022, November 30). How to defuse a classroom conflict: Make it more complex. The Chronicles of Higher Education.

Five practices to help students break through all the binary thinking. There’s a powerful way to reduce fear and get people talking in a constructive way: Increase the complexity.

Constructive Dialogue Institute  Free for faculty members to use with their students, the five-year-old program weaves  together psychological concepts with interactive scenarios and aims to teach practical skills for navigating difficult conversations.

The STCC Library has compiled the Systemic Racism and Injustice libguide includes information and resources such as key terms defined. The libguide also provides links to anti-racism eBooks, books, films and videos, articles, data and statistics, civic action and how to help.

TILTing Assignments. Facilitated by Mary Ann Winkelmes 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023| 5-6:30pm |Virtual Zoom Workshop -EL&G Invitation & Stipend Event

This highly interactive workshop introduces participants to TILT and the data that demonstrates how a small change to existing teaching will increase student success equitably. Participants will collaborate to analyze an example student assignment from one of the TILT research studies, (before and after it was revised to be more transparent). Faculty and staff will leave with a concise set of strategies for incorporating small changes for greater transparency and equity in their teaching or collaborative work. 

2023-04-04-Winkelmes TILT slideshare Please Cite.pdf

Slides shared at the April 4, 2023 TILTin Assignments Workshop. Link to handout: tinyurl.com/STCC1

The recording of our April 4, 2023 STCC session with Mary Ann Winkelmes focusing on TILTing assignments.

Overview and results of 2014-2016 Association of American Colleges & Universities study, funded by TG Philanthropy

Humanizing Online Teaching to Equitize Higher Education

Thursday, April 27, 2023 | 4-6pm | Virtual Zoom Workshop  -EL&G Invitation & Stipend Event

Books Michelle mentioned during her workshop:

Michelle Pacansky Brock facilitating her Humanizing Online Teaching to Equitize Higher Education workshop.

EL&Gers' Reflections on the Humanizing Online Teaching to Equitize Higher Education:

"I was so inspired by Michelle's workshop, I went home and re-designed my syllabus to be 'fluid' and in a Google Site format. It was so much fun. I think my students will like it too."

"I just want to say thank you for this opportunity to be exposed to the information presented in this workshop. I look forward to having some time over the summer to learn more on my own."

- EL&G Participants

Putting Courageous Conversations into Practice 

Wednesday May 3 & 8, 2023 | 4-6pm | Virtual -EL&G Invitation & Stipend Event

Slide Deck

Slides shared at the May 3 & 8, 2023 workshops

Peer Evaluation Form.pdf

Steve Nelson shares this Peer Evaluation form

EL&G In Person Gathering at the STCC Carberry Art Gallery 

Thursday, May 4, 2023 4-5pm | STCC Carberry Art Gallery | In Person Gathering - EL&G Invitation & Stipend Event

Recently, the Equity Leaders and Guides (EL&G) faculty from Springfield Technical Community College (STCC) gathered at the Carberry Art Gallery to celebrate their semester-long equity work and to appreciate the creative expressions of STCC students. The Fine Arts Exhibition, on display through May 10th, showcases the talent and diversity of the college's student body. 

Mary Wiseman, Director of Instructional Innovation and Faculty Investment, emphasized the importance of this event by saying, "Celebrating equity work amongst the student artwork helps us all raise cultural awareness and view our students from another perspective." The art exhibition served as an opportunity for the faculty to connect their equity work with the unique artistic expressions of STCC students.

The STCC student fine arts exhibition showcases various forms of art, including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, and digital media. Each piece highlights the diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds of the student artists, reflecting the rich cultural diversity of STCC's student body.

By visiting the art exhibition, the EL&G faculty underscored the importance of providing an inclusive environment where students can express themselves freely and creatively. The semester-long equity work conducted by the EL&G faculty has been instrumental in promoting cultural awareness, understanding, and acceptance across the campus. sondra peron, Coordinator of The Amy H. Carberry Art Gallery, expressed her thanks, "Your invaluable time and perceptive appreciation for the creative work of our STCC students enrolled in fine arts courses is truly cherished. The sun peaked out from behind the clouds JUST long enough for us to enjoy the wonders of the camera obscura room, which is celebrating its ten-year anniversary [see image below].

In conclusion, the visit to the Carberry Art Gallery by the EL&G faculty not only celebrated their equity work but also demonstrated the importance of appreciating and valuing the diverse artistic expressions of STCC's student body. As Mary Wiseman noted, it offers a new perspective on cultural awareness, helping to create an inclusive and equitable environment that supports the academic and artistic growth of all students.

EL&Gers' Reflections on the gathering:

"I want to thank everyone who was able to make it to today’s EL&G gathering at the Carberry Gallery!"

"Your invaluable time and perceptive appreciation for the creative work of our STCC students enrolled in fine arts courses is truly cherished. the sun peaked out from behind the clouds JUST long enough for us to enjoy the wonders of the camera obscura room, which is celebrating is ten-year anniversary [see image below]."

"So happy we were able to see the camera obscura and taste the Wicked Good Treats."

"This was so much fun! Such a lovely venue to meet, and enjoy camaraderie. And, it was so nice to enjoy the visuals - so much talent in our students!"

"Thank you Sondra & your entire staff at the gallery; it was great to see everyone in person and enjoy all of the wonderful exhibits!"

Overheard in the gallery: "Hey, here is one of my student's artwork!" 

- EL&G Participants

Back row, left to right:sondra peron, Marisha Marks, and Steven Nelson.
Middle row, left to right: Sharon Sheng, Melissa Pereira, Lineisha Dominicci-Rosario, and Mary Wiseman. Front row, left to right: Emilie Clucas Leaderman, Eileen Cusick, Diane Sabato, and Anthony Rondinelli. Also attending, not pictured, Joelle Connor.

EL&G participants chatted, in the lobby outside the Carberry Art Gallery. From left to right: Eileen Cusick, Emilie Clucas Leaderman, Anthony Rondinelli, Steven Nelson, Sharon Sheng and Diane Sabato.

Wicked Good Treats created a table of refreshments. Penny, who was on site throughout the reception, baked and prepared this fully gluten free reception for us.

Diane Sabato and Sharon Sheng discuss the art while Anthony Rondinelli ponders students' work.

The moody weather outside is reflected inside the camera obscura room at STCC, 5:17pm on 5/4/23.

TILTing with Mary Ann Winkelmes

TILTing with Mary Ann Winkelmes

Monday, May 15, 2023 | noon-1pm | Virtual Zoom Workshop- for all STCC staff & faculty 

This highly interactive workshop introduces participants to TILT and the data that demonstrates how a small change to existing teaching will increase student success equitably. Participants will collaborate to analyze an example student assignment from one of the TILT research studies, (before and after it was revised to be more transparent). 

Recording from May 15, 2023 TILTing workshop with Mary Ann Winkelmes

2023 Winkelmes TILT slideshare for Staff 5 15 2023 Accessible.pptx

Slides from May 15, 2023 TILTing Student Documents

2023 TILTing for Staff May 15 Workshop Handout.pdf

Handout from May 15, 2023 TILTing with Mary Ann Winklemes 

EL&G In Person Meet & Greet 

Monday, June 5, 2023 |4-5pm |In Person Building 19 Conference Room Near Welcome Desk |Stipend Event

We will be discussing our challenges to better inform our direction of training.

Wicked Good Treats created a table of gluten free refreshments to sustain our energy

TILTing Student Facing Documents & Instructions. Facilitated by Mary Ann Winkelmes 

Wednesday June 7, 2023 | 5-6:30pm | Virtual EL&G Invitation |Stipend Event

This highly interactive workshop introduces participants to TILT and the data that demonstrates how a small change to existing teaching will increase student success equitably. Participants will collaborate to analyze an example of student facing documents from one of the TILT research studies, (before and after it was revised to be more transparent). Participants will leave with a concise set of strategies for incorporating small changes for greater transparency and equity in their student facing documents or collaborative work. 

Recording from June 5, 2023 TILTing student facing documents workshop with Mary Ann Winkelmes

Transparent Equitable Collaboration Framework for Staff.pdf

Transparent Equitible Collaboration Framework for Staff

2023 6 7 TILT Winkelmes TILT Staff slideshare ACCESSIBLE Please cite.pdf

Slides from June 7, 2023 Workshop

Transparent Framework for Students and Staff.pdf

Transparent Learning Framework for Students & Staff

Relationship Rich Education with a Student Focus

June 15, 2023 Recording of Peter Felten's Workshop

Building trust - STCC - June 15 2023.pdf

June 15, 2023 Peter Felten's Slide Deck

June 15, 2023 | 4-5:30 pm | Relationship Rich Education | Author Peter Felten Workshop | For those invited and attending, this is a stipend event | This workshop will be recorded 

In Peter's June 15, 2023 Workshop he mentioned a couple of resources:

EL&Gers' Reflections on Peter's Workshop:

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated our meeting with Peter Felton last night. So encouraging and uplifting - I think lots of people were starting to run on empty and it really helped us to put things in perspective, see the value we all bring, and find joy in what we can do together. Thank you for making it possible!

- EL&G Participant

Courageous Conversations Facilitated by the Collaborative for Educational Services

June 22, 2023 | 4-6pm | Courageous Conversations Part 1 |  For those invited and attending, this is a stipend event | This workshop will be recorded 

Before the workshop:


During the CES Workshop EL&G’ers will:

On June 22, 2023 at 4pm
Join https://stcc-edu.zoom.us/j/99278400033 

June 23, 2023 | 4-6pm Courageous Conversations Part 1 |  For those invited and attending, this is a stipend event | This workshop will be recorded 

During the CES Workshop EL&G’ers will:


On June 23, 2023 at 4pm
Join https://stcc-edu.zoom.us/j/98194471289 

EL&Gers' Reflections on the Courageous Conversations Workshops:

I am so excited to take what we learned yesterday and put it into practice. 

I really resonated with the words from the Yolanda Sealy-Ruiz video when she said,  'Education is Hope'. It gives me pause & helps direct me.

- EL&G Participants

Take 12 minutes to watch this TED Talk on leadership and think about how we [EL&Gers] can tap into everyone's knowledgeand lead change on campus.

You ARE a Leader!
You have engaged in Equity Leaders & Guides work that is leadership!
Not in the hierarchical sense, but in the sense of taking lead for solving a problem by listing questions and involving people. 

Our Next EL&G steps are to tap into everyone's knowledge and creativity & create change-together.

More information will arrive in your inbox before Fall semester begins.

Upcoming Dates & Activities: Mark Your Calendars

September 2023 EL&G Opportunities

September 11, 2023 | Monday | 4-5pm | For those invited and attending, this is a stipend event | Zoom link is forthcoming

Join Zoom Meeting: https://stcc-edu.zoom.us/j/96163428251  This is an invitation event, check your Google Calendar for invite.

During this workshop invitees will work with Mary Ann Winkelmes and learn how to:

A summary of the September 12, 2023 meeting.  View and add ideas to our Jamboard mentioned in the video. Or feel free to email me your ideas, as inspiration hits. mwiseman@stcc.edu

EL&G Equity Leaders & Guides 9/12/2023

September 12, 2023 | Tuesday | 4-5pm | All EL&G participants are invited to this is a stipend event | Meeting information is forthcoming.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://stcc-edu.zoom.us/j/94315978126   All EL&Gers are welcomed!

How will you continue your equity journey and keep honing your skills?
During this workshopEL&Gers will:

Ideas for your action plan could be to develop an equity-minded syllabus design, develop culturally responsive pedagogy, analyze departmental, course or grading policy and TILT them, re-design an assignment rubric to be more equitable, edit student facing materials with more student friendly language. Our work is never ending.  Arrive with questions and ideas and leave with an Action Plan.

September 19, 2023 | Tuesday | 4-5pm | All EL&G participants are invited to this is a stipend event |
Meet in the Carberry Fine Arts Gallery | STCC Fine Arts Bld 28

All EL&Gers are welcomed!
In the interest of expanding our EL&Gers, please ask a colleague to come along with you to learn more about EL&G!

During this workshop invitees will:

EL&Gers mingle in the STCC Carberry Fine Arts Gallery.

STCC Communities of Practice | TILT with Mary Ann Winkelmes

Starting in October 2023, Mary Ann Winklemes will moderate the STCC CoP | TILT workshops on a monthly basis. 'TILT', which stands for Transparency in Learning and Teaching, involves making minor adjustments to teaching practices. These adjustments are based on an evidence-backed framework that showcases how such changes can equitably enhance student success. Plan to attend to learn how to TILT your student facing documents and practices. Faculty & staff are welcomed. 

Consult the Workshops Schedule for dates/times of 2023-24 meetings. 

Celebration of Student Work / Guest Talk:
Tuesday Nov 28th, Gym,  10 am- Noon Followed by Free Lunch

Date: Tuesday, November 28th Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Auditorium and Gym). Followed by free lunch.

Guest Speaker: TBD (a neutral universal topic like Renewable Energy) 

Students will exhibit examples of works in progress and receive formative feedback.  Projects might include: developmentally appropriate curriculum design, inclusive education ideas, classroom redesign, children's literacy promotion, community needs assessment, program evaluation or social policy analysis. Business action plan developments, consulting projects, market entry strategy, marketing plans, App creations, Game developments, Internet of Things solutions, blockchain applications, cybersecurity projects, AI projects, augmented/virtual reality projects, robotic arms, humanoid robots, mathematical modelings, cryptocurrency analysis, geometry in design, risk analysis, game theory analysis, designs, artworks, architecture projects, landscape designs, videography, poetry, essays, creative writing, scripts, storytelling, research posters, essays, sales pitches, mobile apps, prototypes, optics, holographs, optic illusions, fiber optics, drones, robotic creations, models, demos, market analysis, case studies, crafts, brand identity, short films, animation, gaming, concept models, 3D printing, advertisements, energy transformations, bridge, pendulums, projectiles, roller coasters, solar ovens etc. 

Forward any questions to:  Reena Randhir rrandhir@stcc.edu

Student presenters at last year's celebration.

Strategic Plan for TILTing STCC

Resources on Leadership etc.

Who’s In Your Inner Circle?
In this episode of Hidden Brain,  Shankar Vedantam talks with economists Luigi Pistaferri and Matthew Jackson about why we often surround ourselves with people who are just like us — and how we can transform our lives by pushing back against this phenomenon.  Our colleague Elzabeth Swain reports, the whole episode is great, but gets relevant from about 20:20-29 minutes in, Matt Jackson’s story. 

2022 HEIF EL&G Process Overview

Creating Company Culture for Remote Teams
Leaders don't just build company culture, they are company culture. Company culture is part of every employee's experience whether they work remotely or in an office. But the remote and in-office playing fields aren't the same, and leaders have to know the difference. With no opportunity to physically absorb remote office culture — one perk of the in-person setup — remote leaders must provide their people with new avenues to build trust with their managers and teams as well as opportunities to prove themselves to stakeholders.

If you have any resources, comments, or ideas to share or questions about this process & your contribution to it OR do not see a Google Calendar invites for any workshops please email Mary Wiseman mwiseman@stcc.edu 
- "A rising tide lifts all boats"