Overview of the Policy on Affirmative Action [PAA]

Overview of the Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity (PAA)

SESSIONS  3:  1:40 pm- 1:30 pm | F/S | Room 204

The PAA provides equal access to educational, co-curricular and employ­ment opportunities to all applicants, students and employees. The Affirmative Action portion of the Policy identifies objectives for the recruitment, access and advancement of qualified persons from within protected classes/classifications. It also defines Prohibited Conduct as; Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment, Gender-Based Harassment, and Retaliation. This presentation will explain prohibited conduct under the PAA in contrast to violations under Title IX Sexual Harassment, with the goal of ensuring that equal opportunity, affirmative action and a campus free from sexual harassment, will be understood and realized in all segments of the College.


Kathryn C. (K.C.) Senie, J.D., Ed. D. (she/her/hers),  is the Director of Compliance, Affirmative Action Officer, Title IX Coordinator & ADA Coordinator. She oversees the Office of Disability Services and is a member of the Office of Human Resources team. Dr. Senie works collaboratively with senior administrators and staff to comply with federal/state laws and regulations while addressing Affirmative Action and Title IX concerns of employees and students. She has served as the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources at STCC, Chief of Staff at Holyoke Community College and Director of Institutional Advancement & Strategic Planning at Norwalk Community College.

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K.C. Senie Presentation on PAA and Title IX 8.31.23.pptx