Our PSHCE Programme

What are Personal Development Days?

In addition to the PSHE & Citizenship content which is delivered through the curriculum, students in KS3 & KS4 will also take part in a series of "Personal Development Days" throughout the year - these are days where students are off their usual timetable, and instead take part in a series of hour long sessions based around five key strands of PSHE & Citizenship - Finance, Careers, Relationships and Sex, Health & Wellbeing, and Politics & Law.

The dates for the Personal Development Days for the 2023/24 academic year are as follows:



What content will be covered during Personal Development Days?

Please find below the curriculum maps for each year group:

Curriculum map - Personal Development (1).pdf

Examples of sessions and resources

Years 7 and 8 PD Day 1.pdf
Parliamentary Democracy
What is anxiety?
Budgeting and Saving