
Careers Information

The decisions you make about your studies now are important, but they’re not the only chance you’ll have to choose or change your future career. There are many avenues to tertiary study and the career you want. It is recommended that you do some investigation and planning so that you give yourself the best opportunity to be happy with your choices. How do you get started? Think about what you like, what you are good at and which fields of study and types of work you are interested in pursuing. If you are interested in tertiary study, then check out the VTAC Prerequisite and Course Explorer which lists the tertiary courses you will be able to choose from when you finish your Year 12 studies.  

It also allows you to:

Reading course information that looks ahead to 2027 is vital in helping you prepare a VCE study plan that maximises your course choices in the future. If your study program meets the prerequisites published in the Prerequisite and Course Explorer for the relevant year, you will definitely meet the subject requirements in that year (but remember you will also have to meet the study score requirement and even then, selection is a competitive process). Prerequisites can change from year to year and are published two years in advance. You can find prerequisites for 2027 in the VTAC Year 10 Guide.  It is worth noting that a very large number of courses don’t require any other prerequisite other than an English study. Even if you think in Year 12 that you have chosen the wrong subjects in Year 10, there are always pathways into courses if you have the determination and ability to succeed.

When choosing VCE studies, my advice is to choose studies that:

Studies you enjoy and are good at

You’ll always enjoy yourself more if you can pursue studies that interest you and that you’re good at. But even more importantly is making sure you have interesting classes for the next year or two, choosing these subjects is an opportunity to learn more about different aspects of your interests. You might find yourself really enjoying a particular topic in a class, and this might inspire your future course choice or career direction. Start exploring career pathways by selecting a learning area you enjoy - Career Targets.


Studies that provide you with options

Some tertiary courses have specific entry requirements like prerequisites (VCE subjects you must have completed to be eligible for the course), auditions, extra forms, or folios of your past work. Some of these requirements, like interviews or extra forms, are easy to meet at the last minute if you change your mind and want to pursue a new course, but requirements like prerequisite studies and folios of your work require some advance planning. When choosing your subjects, look at the entry requirements for a wide range of courses and take note of the different requirements. If there are particular subjects that are common to the areas that interest you, or areas you might want to pursue in the future, make sure you include those in your VCE program.


College Careers Website Our careers website that has a wealth of information including: VTAC, Careers Newsletters, Open Days, Universities, VET, Apprenticeships, Career Targets which link subjects to careers, Job Information, school to work planning, Work Experience, VCE, career sites, Parent Help Pages and a student secure area where students can create resumes, job applications and use various career tests.


Careers Centre

Students can collect up to date books and brochures from Victorian Universities and TAFE Colleges. They can also speak informally to Ms Kaylene Menara, the College Careers & Pathways Coordinator, or Ms Jen Willian, Careers Counsellor. They can also book a formal appointment by using the QR Code or booking link in their emails and on the Careers Website.

Kaylene Menara

Careers & Pathways Coordinator


Jen Willian
Careers Counsellor