
From early years onwards, all our children are taught a broad, ambitious, knowledge rich curriculum and have access to high-quality extra-curricular provision. They are taught in our calm, orderly, safe and supportive schools with high levels of attendance. Children have fair access to a full curriculum regardless of which academy they and their parents choose.

"Curriculum development is a long haul task, but a beautiful one, and an ethically focused curriculum, carefully crafted , will mean the children and the staff and families and the planet, will reap the benefits for years to come." Katie Smith


The Discrete Curriculum

The Daily Deal - Teaching of the National Curriculum subjects both core and foundation.

Curriculum Intent

Ensuring learning; sticks, links and is useful.

Curriculum Impact

Ensuring pupils; achieve high standards, are literate, confident orators, numerate and develop their cultural capital.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum email or call 01752 874652