Frequently Asked Questions for Telecom Providers


Q: Do I need to register with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC)?

A: The first step in remitting the State 9-1-1 Surcharge, Telecommunications Service Relay (TRS) Surcharge, and the 9-8-8 Surcharge is to register with the PUC. Please see the PUC Surcharges and Forms Page for applicability. If you are not providing 9-1-1 access connections in Colorado, you do not have to register with the PUC. 

Q: What are the registration requirements for a new wireless provider?

A: If the wireless provider does not want a CPCN, then they need to register using the Contact Form. If they would like a CPCN, then per Telecommunications Rule 2103:

 2103. Application for CPCN or LOR.

To request a CPCN to provide basic emergency services or a LOR to provide switched access services, an applicant shall submit the required information by filing an application or the LOR form provided by the Commission on its website. No CPCN or LOR is required for services classified in Part IV of Article 15 of Title 40 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. A provider is not required to, but may apply for a CPCN to provide Part IV services pursuant to this section, unless otherwise required by law or Commission rule.

 Please refer to Rule 2103 for specific information on the CPCN application requirements.

Q: Is there a registration fee?

A: There are no fees associated with the State 9-1-1 Surcharge, the TRS Surcharge, or the 9-8-8 Surcharge registration.  There is also no filing fee for submitting a CPCN application but a bond may be required by the Commission as a condition for granting authority. 

Rules 2100 through 2119 apply to CPCNs, registrations for interexchange telecommunications service providers, authority to discontinue service, and authority to execute a transfer, encumbrance, or any combination of these.

Q: I am no longer providing services in Colorado, how do I close my account?

A: To deactivate your registration with the PUC, file a registration form (available on the PUC Surcharges and Forms Page) and add the date for Discontinuance of Services. The form must be filed in E-filings in the same proceeding number as the registration, located at the top of the form. Please complete the entire form with signatures. 

Q: I am already registered with the Federal government, do I still need to register with the PUC in Colorado? 

A: Yes, registration with the PUC is separate from any federal or local registrations that you might have. Similarly, the state surcharges administered by the PUC are separate, and in addition to, any federal or local surcharges you may be remitting. 

Q: Does the Commission require wireless providers to contribute to the state’s USF program? 

A: Any Retail Revenues as defined by Rule 2841(l) below should be provided to the HCSM Administrator:

(l) “Retail revenues” means the gross revenues associated with contribution levels to the HCSM from the sale of intrastate telecommunications pre-paid and post-paid services to end-use customers. Intrastate telecommunications services may include, but are not limited to, all types of local exchange service; non-basic, vertical, or discretionary services, also known as advanced features, such as call waiting, call forwarding, and caller identification, or premium services such as voicemail; listing services; directory assistance service; wireless and other cellular telephone and paging services; mobile radio services; personal communications services (PCS); both

optional and non-optional operator services; wide area telecommunications services (WATS) and WATS-like services; toll free service; 900 service and other informational services; toll service; private line service; special access service; special arrangements; special assemblies; CENTREX, Centron, and Centron-like services; ISDN, IAD and other multi-line services; video and/or teleconferencing services; satellite telecommunications service; the resale of intrastate telecommunications services; payphone services; any services regulated by the Commission under § 40-15-305(2), C.R.S.; and such other services as the Commission may by order designate from time to time as equivalent or similar to the services listed above. Revenues associated with the sale of video services other than video conferencing identified in § 40-15- 401(1)(a), C.R.S., shall not be considered a part of retail revenues associated with contribution levels.

 More information regarding the HCSM can be found in Rule 2845 or on the Commission website at 


Q: What “Document Type” should I select when creating a filing in a proceeding? 

A: The appropriate document type is "registration" when filing a registration form. Please see Filing Instructions as a reference for other appropriate filing selections. 

Q: Is the Company Code the same as the E-filings Admin Code?

A: The Company Code is different from the E-filings Admin Code. Rolka Loube is the custodial receiver for the PUC surcharges and their codes are used to help them manage payments. Once you register with the PUC, someone from Rolka Loube will provide you with a Company code.

 The Admin Code for E-filings is provided by the PUC so you can register as a File Administrator. Please see the “getting started” link on the E-filings homepage for more information. 

If you need an Admin Code, contact Alison Torvik (303-894-2885, or Ismael Reyna (303-894-2824, 

Q:  I created a registration before receiving an Admin Code. What should I do?

A: You can enter the Admin Code for E-Filings after you have created your registration by going to the Invitees menu on the left, then clicking on the Administrators tab.  

For more help contact Alison Torvik (303-894-2885,

Q:  I forgot my password or am otherwise unable to log into my E-filings account. What should I do?

A: You can click on the "password reminder" option that is on the log in page. If this does not help, contact Alison Torvik (303-894-2885,

Compliance and Remittance

Q: Are wireless or VoIP providers required to pay TRS fees?

Please refer to Rules 2820 through 2839 for information about the TRS Fund. If you are providing 9-1-1 access connections in Colorado, there are applicable surcharges.  Applicability and rates for each surcharge is listed on the PUC Surcharges and Forms Page

Please contact Jolene Sena for questions regarding TRS, State 9-1-1, and 9-8-8 surcharges;

Q: If I do not collect any State 9-1-1, Telecommunications Service Relay  (TRS), or 9-8-8 surcharges do I have to file a zero? 

A: Companies that are already registered and should file a monthly surcharge remittance form, even if the amount is zero. This does not apply if you are not registered to provide services in Colorado. For companies no longer providing services in Colorado, please file a discontinuance of service using our registration form (available on the PUC Surcharges and Forms Page).

Q: Is there a de minimis amount that does not require payment?

A: No. There is no de minimis amount.

Q: Are state and local governments exempt from surcharges? 

A: State and local governments, including schools, are exempt from the local Emergency Telephone Charge (ETC). There are no exemptions for the State 9-1-1 surcharge or the 9-8-8 surcharge. TRS charges are exempt for Lifeline customers only. There are no other exemptions.

Q: What are the ongoing compliance obligations, annual payments or licensing requirements for providers?

A: Per Rule 2006:

 2006. Reports.

 (a)   Pursuant to § 40-2-109, C.R.S., all providers that are required by the Department of Revenue to file an annual DR525 form shall file with the Commission, on or before May 15 of each year, a copy of the DR525 form filed with the Department of Revenue pursuant to § 40-2-111, C.R.S., for use in the Commission’s budgetary process. 

 (b)    All providers that have been granted a CPCN or LOR by the Commission shall biennially file a completed Statement of Information, beginning on October 1, 2017 and every two years thereafter. Providers whose CPCN or LOR was granted after January 1, 2017, shall file the statement on the second July 1 anniversary following a Commission order granting the company a CPCN or LOR. The biennial statement shall contain any updates to the company’s information previously provided to the Commission. The Statement of Information form is available on the Commission’s website and shall be submitted through filing with the Commission’s E-Filings System in the proceeding designated for this purpose.

 Additionally, the Contact Form should also be updated any time there is a change in company information.

Q: How can providers stay up to date with changes to rules and regulation?

A: To stay up to date on any changes to rules or regulations, please be sure to set up an account through our e-filings portal and visit our websitePlease visit the Telecommunications website at to view the Telecommunications Rules and to find additional information. To receive notifications when rate changes occur, please keep the provider contact information updated. Registered providers can update their contact information any time by filing the Contact Form.