GDL for Young Drivers

GDL starts with YOU

As a young person, you are a powerful advocate for shaping the health and safety of your friends, family and communities. Understanding, complying with, and sharing your knowledge of Colorado GDL laws with friends and family will help keep you, and them, safe on the road.

Resources for Colorado Young Drivers

Printable GDL Resources

Print these fliers to hang in your classrooms, school hallways or share during school events to raise awareness of GDL laws and keep you (and your friends!) safe while driving.

Young Drivers GDL Resource Guide

Available in English and Spanish

Download the Young Drivers GDL Resource Guide and access links to helpful resources like finding a driving school in your area, preparing for your driving exam, and ways to connect with other young drivers across the state.

Let's Talk About GDL

Spanish version coming soon!

You, your friends, and family can watch the "Let's Talk About GDL" virtual presentation together to get a thorough look at Colorado's GDL law. In this presentation, you will hear from young driver safety experts on how Colorado's GDL law works, the importance of the law, and resources to help you stay safe behind the wheel.