Literature Review


Full Title: Literature Review Synthesizing the Current and Potential Autonomous Maintenance Technology Applications

Principal Investigator: Dr. Erika Miller, Colorado State University

Status: Active

Description of Problem Statement

There are numerous applications of the Autonomous Maintenance Technology (AMT) that have

yet to be fully utilized or widely shared. There are many DOT slow moving operations with an

attenuator (e.g., work zone set up, operations, take down; mowers; sweepers), platooning of

two or more vehicles either directly in-line or with lateral offsets (e.g., snow removal), and

roadside infrastructure that supports maintenance operations; all of which could benefit from

autonomous technologies. Moreover, there has been significant momentum recently by

research institutions, DOTs at various levels, and equipment manufacturers to develop

autonomous transportation technologies. However, these efforts are often done in isolation of

each other, and to best make use of the technology and applications available, it is crucial to

fully evaluate and synthesize what technology has been and plans to be deployed. The

objective of this research project is to review the literature and subject matter experts to identify

(1) DOT operations that would qualify for AMT applications and (2) summarize applications of

autonomous technology in maintenance operations that are occurring worldwide.

Product of Research

This research will review literature, including, but not limited to, academic publications, journal articles, publications by cities, states, transportation agencies, and for-profit companies, regarding applications and efforts of autonomous technologies in maintenance operations within the scope of DOT operations. Additionally, this research will reach out to practitioners to generate a list of operations that may not already utilize autonomation but could benefit from it. Applications of AMT will include both vehicle and infrastructure systems. The products of this research will include:

  • Spreadsheet Table of Literature Findings: An interactive spreadsheet will be created to organize the results; providing a column for the reference, a summary of the information, and keywords to sort/organize the table.

  • Report of Key Findings: A written report will overview the key findings from the spreadsheet and make recommendations on how the Autonomous Maintenance Technology applications can be expanded based on available equipment and successful case studies

Benefits of Research

This research will identify additional applications that DOTs can use Autonomous Maintenance Technology, both equipment/vehicle based, and infrastructure based; by identifying qualifying operations and available systems and practices. The benefits can be tracked through how DOTs expand their AMT operations. Additionally, research will provide an integrated resource for future AMT adopters to understand how autonomous technology can best serve their needs.
