Incident Workshop


Full Title: Incident Form Development Workshop Design, Facilitation, and Evaluation

Principal Investigator: William Moorhead, JD

Status: Active

Description of Problem Statement

The following phases outline the steps to design, facilitate, and evaluate an interactive incident form development workshop. Evaluation will capture detailed information to support development of an incident form for the members of the Autonomous Maintenance Technology Pooled Fund, TPF


Phase 1: Project Kickoff

  • Review all existing and applicable incident reporting forms and checklists.

  • Work with the POC to identify Project Planning Team for workshop design.

  • Develop project plan and timeline.

Phase 2: Workshop Design and Facilitation

  • Schedule and facilitate up to two virtual design meetings with the POC and Project Team. All Clear will provide agendas, virtual technology, and minutes. Two All Clear staff will participate in the meetings.

  • Setup and monitor workshop registration. Work with the POC and Project Team to invite participants.

  • Develop workshop documents that may include a Situation Manual, PowerPoint presentation, and Participant Handout.

  • Three All Clear staff.

  • Two facilitators

  • One virtual manager of the virtual meeting environment

  • Facilitate a virtual workshop. The process for the workshop will be finalized with the POC and Project Team. Components may include:

  • Pre-workshop survey or worksheet disseminated to participants.

  • One virtual workshop. To maintain engagement while capturing all necessary input the workshop may be broken into two virtual meetings. The second meeting would be a continuation of the first. This option would not change the cost of the project.

  • In-workshop surveys to capture feedback and “votes” from


  • Post-workshop survey to gather input on specific issues identified during the workshop or as the incident form is being drafted.

Product of Research

Phase 3: Incident Form Development

  • Using the data and information collected during the workshop, All Clear will draft an Incident Form for the Pooled Fund.

  • The Pooled Fund planning team will review a draft of the form and provide feedback.

  • Feedback will be incorporated into the Incident Form and a final version provided to the client.

Phase 4: Project Closeout

  • Finalized workshop documents provided to client.

  • Pooled Fund Incident Form that can be altered by Pooled Fund Member agencies for agency use.

  • Project Summary.

Benefits of Research
