About the Task Force


The Task Force was founded by rule of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission in 1992 to provide oversight of the statewide implementation and provision of basic emergency service. The Task Force evaluates alternate technology, service, and pricing issues related to the implementation of statewide 9-1-1 services statewide.

The Advisory Task Force shall:

  • Serve as a forum for the members to discuss matters pertaining to 9-1-1.

  • Make future recommendations and report to the Commission concerning the continued improvement and advancement of 9-1-1 service in Colorado.

  • Consider 9-1-1 service quality and cost in urban and rural areas in developing its report and recommendations.

  • Investigate, analyze, or recommend solutions for existing or anticipated 9-1-1 issues within the state.

  • Investigate and report to the Commission on the development, implementation, and transition to any new 9-1-1 technologies and capabilities, including any impacts to the consumer, originating service provider, service end user, or PSAP.

  • Monitor and report to the Commission proceedings and activities of the FCC and other national organizations and agencies on matters that may affect 9-1-1 service in Colorado.

(4 CCR 723-2-2145)



Unless otherwise specified, Task Force meetings are held on the second Thursday of odd months from 10 am to 1 pm. See the Meetings page for information on the next meeting.

Meetings are open to the public and remote participation is accommodated.


Task Force Report to the Commission Attachment B - PUC Task Force Resolution 20-01 - Text to 9-1-1.docx

Current Voting Members

CO PUC 911 TF Voting Membership and Committee Roster