Get in Touch with Stars Bridge Accounting

Contact Us Today!

At Stars Bridge Accounting, we don't just offer services, we form partnerships. We believe in creating strong, lasting relationships with our clients. As such, we're more than eager to hear from you. Whether you have a simple query, require complex financial advice, or wish to learn more about our services, we're here to assist.

Our Accounting Firm (ACRA RFA)

Company Name: Stars Bridge Accounting Pte. Ltd.

UEN: 202039517M

RFA License: FA20200388

Registered address: 10 Anson Road #17-20 

International Plaza Singapore 079903

Public Transport: Tanjong Pagar MRT (Exit C, walk 1 min)

Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 6 PM

Contact Number: (+65) 69049677 / (+65) 93807956


Our Employment Agency (MOM EA)

Company Name: Tourlife Consultants Private Limited

UEN: 200921829D

EA License: 23C1476

Registered address: 10 Anson Road #17-20 

International Plaza Singapore 079903

Public Transport: Tanjong Pagar MRT (Exit C, walk 1 min)

Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 6 PM

Contact Number: (+65) 84028928 / (+65) 69049677


Stars Bridge Accounting: Your Premier Choice!

Visit Our Office: Heart of Singapore!


Tanjong Pagar MRT Station (EW15) - East West Line:


Bus Stop at Tanjong Pagar MRT Station (B03223):

Services: 57, 131, 167, 186, 400, 402, 700, 970, 971E

Hear It From Our Clients: Stars Bridge Accounting Success Stories!

Jack Lee, Founder & CEO of M Studio Pte Ltd

"Stars Bridge Accounting has been a true game-changer for us. As founder of M Studio, I sought a reliable partner to handle our monthly bookkeeping - and found much more. Outsourcing this task to Stars Bridge Accounting has resulted in savings of more than S$3,000 per month, compared to hiring an in-house accountant. 

Their service package is not only affordable, but it's also exceptionally high quality. It's perfect for SMEs like ours, where every dollar counts. For a modest investment, you get top-tier service, peace of mind, and the freedom to concentrate more on your business. 

Above all, their team provides peace of mind. We're not just saving money - we're saving time and resources, too. It's truly a win-win situation. Our thanks to Stars Bridge Accounting for their dedication, expertise, and value-added service."

Joanne, Managing Director - Curry Concept Pte Ltd

"Starting my own F&B business was both exciting and daunting. I was entering uncharted territory, uncertain about the dos and don'ts of running a business. That's when a friend recommended Stars Bridge Accounting - a suggestion that turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made.

Their team comprises of trained professionals who not only carry extensive knowledge but also deliver prompt, valuable advice whenever needed. Their guidance was a beacon during my early entrepreneurial days, illuminating the path and easing my worries.

I'm genuinely thrilled to have Stars Bridge Accounting by my side and eagerly anticipate our continued partnership in the years to come."

Martin James, Head of Finance - RN Mizuhiki Pte Ltd

"Stars Bridge Accounting has left a significant, positive impression on our financial operations. Their strategic advice and support over the years have been impeccable and always timely. But what truly sets them apart is the astonishing cost efficiency. After engaging their services, our accounting expenses reduced by a staggering 80% compared to our previous accounting firm.

Besides their professionalism and expertise, the team's approachability stands out. They are always ready to answer any queries, no matter how minor. Such dedication to customer service only adds to the value they provide.

I have nothing but the highest recommendation for Stars Bridge Accounting. Their exemplary services would be an asset to any business."

Singapore SME 500 Award 2023 

24 August 2023, Singapore – We are pleased to announce that Stars Bridge Accounting has passed all assessments and have made it to the Singapore SME 500 Award 2023. The Singapore SME 500 Award 2023 is significant for our business as it affirms our business standards, qualities and performance.

The Singapore SME 500 Award continues to be one of Singapore's highly regarded business accolade that recognises local enterprises for its business qualities, excellence and capabilities. The assessment is conducted by the Association of Trade & Commerce (Singapore) and part of the process includes evaluating enterprises in its quantitative and qualitative aspects, including the ability to further develop the business and scale its market.

As we celebrate this achievement, we remain steadfast in our mission to empower businesses with the financial insights and solutions they need to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape. Here's to a future filled with continued growth, collaboration, and shared success.

Thank you for being a part of our journey!