Simplifying Financial Report & Corporate Tax Filing

Uncomplicated Financial Reports & Tax Solutions - Stars Bridge Accounting

At Stars Bridge Accounting, we understand that dealing with financial reports and tax matters can be daunting. That's why our dedicated team is committed to providing uncomplicated, accurate, and timely services that meet your specific needs. Whether you need an unaudited financial report, assistance with tax computation and filing, or help with your XBRL reporting, we've got you covered. By choosing Stars Bridge Accounting, you're choosing simplicity, accuracy, and peace of mind. 

Start your journey towards uncomplicated financial reporting and tax compliance today.

Unaudited Financial Reports

When your business needs a financial health check without the formalities of an audit, our unaudited financial report service is the answer.

An unaudited financial report offers a comprehensive overview of your business's financial standing without the detailed examination of an audit. While this report doesn't provide the same level of assurance as an audited report, it's a cost-effective way to understand your financial position.

As per Singapore law, private limited companies are exempt from audits if they meet certain criteria. However, all companies must still prepare financial statements that comply with the Financial Reporting Standards of Singapore. Failure to do so can result in penalties, including fines.

At Stars Bridge Accounting, we take the stress out of preparing these financial statements. Our expert team will compile a detailed and accurate report, providing you with the insights you need to drive your business forward.

Corporate Tax Filing (IRAS)

Understanding and complying with tax regulations can be a complex and time-consuming process. Our tax computation and filing service simplifies this task.

We provide accurate tax computation, taking into account all applicable deductions, reliefs, and rebates to ensure you only pay what's due. Our team remains updated on the latest changes to tax laws, ensuring your business stays compliant and avoids unnecessary penalties, which could include fines or even imprisonment.

Our service extends to filing your tax returns with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), removing another task from your to-do list.

XBRL Reporting (ACRA)

According to the ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) in Singapore, specific companies are required to file their financial statements in XBRL format. These include solvent exempt private companies (EPCs), private limited companies, and insolvent EPCs.

Failure to submit accurate and timely XBRL reports can result in severe penalties, including fines up to S$5,000 or even imprisonment. The importance of correct XBRL filing cannot be overstated, as it directly influences your company's legal standing and its perception in the business landscape.

Our team at Stars Bridge Accounting are experts in XBRL reporting. We ensure your reports are accurate, timely and comply with all necessary regulations, reducing your risk of penalties and ensuring your business continues to operate within legal parameters. We take the complexity out of XBRL reporting, providing you with peace of mind and more time to focus on your business growth.

Stars Bridge Accounting shines the brightest!

Let's Get You Started - Start from S$480!

Financial Report - from S$480

Corporate Tax Filing - from S$580

Visit our office: 10 Anson Road #17-20 International Plaza Singapore 079903 (Tanjong Pagar MRT)

Contact Us: +6569049677 / +6593807956 
