Title i / Lap 

 elger bay elementary

Welcome to our Title i/LAP support program!

We provide supplemental support for students in Math (Delta Math) and Reading (Really Great Reading) to help close the achievement gap.  Students are identified through a schoolwide ranking of assessments and are served and monitored for progress by our Title I/LAP team.  Currently students in first through fifth grades are being served.  

Please check out our Learning Resources, Newsletters and Reading Tips pages for ways to help your child at home.

Phonemic Awareness & Reading

What it is: Phonemic awareness is hearing & knowing

the smallest units of sound in spoken words (phonemes)

and being able to manipulate those sounds.

Why it matters: Students that are missing these key

skills in K-5 struggle more with learning to read. When

your child can practice these oral activities, they are able

to hear word parts and are then ready for the next step in

reading: decoding.

How you can help at home: Play with words. Here’s

some skills from easy to more complex.

Recognizing Rhyme

○ Do these words rhyme?


○ Can you clap the syllables?

Blends (onset & rime)

○ Guess this word C-AT

Produce Rhyme

○ Can you think of a word that rhymes with car?

Isolate Beginning Sounds

○ Say the first sound in hat

Syllable Deletion

○ Can you say window without the win?

Blending Sounds

○ Guess the word S-U-N

Segmenting Sounds

○ Say the sounds you hear in SHIP

Sound Substitution

○ Change the H in HAT to B (BAT)

Sound Deletion

○ Say BOAT without the B