Band Officers and Section Leader Council

Band ASB Council/Officers

President: Lucas Stiers

Vice President/Public Relations: Ramona Reed

Secretary: Melaina Sicotte

Treasurer: Izzy Avelenda

Historian: Gracie Surdyk

Librarian: Faith Dilworth

SMB Officers

Drum Majors: Faith Dilworth and Melaina Sicotte

Percussion Captain: Bianca Rubio

SMB Section Leader Council


     Section Leader: Gracie Surdyk

     Asst. Sect. Leader: Sean Patterson

High Brass

     Section Leader: Izzy Avelenda

Low Brass/Bass

     Section Leader: Lucas Stiers

     Asst. Sect. Leader: Ramona Reed


     Low Battery Section Leader:

          Thomas Whitaker

All leaders serve the band on the condition that they are an asset to the goals of the band