Welcome, and thank you for considering St. Ann’s Catholic School to be part of your family. We know that you have many choices for your child’s education and we are honored and blessed that St. Ann’s may be part of your journey. You will find that St. Ann’s has so many wonderful aspects, but none is more important than helping your family create a strong foundation for your child’s relationship with Christ. Anyone can educate your child’s mind, but we strive in educating and nurturing the whole child: mind, body, spirit, and soul.
Below you will see many forms. There are informational forms such as Mission Statement, Non-Parishioner Fee Statement, Parishioner Statement, Dress Code, and Preschool Tuition and Fees. There are also forms that you will need to return with your $150.00 registration fee. Those forms are the Student Enrollment Form, the Mission-Based Education Agreement (if you are Catholic), Student Transfer Records Request (for students transfer from another school) You will also need the following forms when you register:
Birth Certificate (for new enrollments)
Proof of age (medical records, baptismal records, passport, etc.)
Student’s immunization records
Proof of residency (rental contract, realty contract, utility bill, deposit receipt or other special circumstances)
Last year’s report card or other proof of grade placement (except kindergarteners, who need proof of age)
Present address and phone number
Parent or guardian’s place of employment and work phone number
Emergency contact person (in case parents cannot be reached)
Doctor’s name and phone number
Preschool Tuition
St. Ann's Catholic School has a 3 year old and 4 year old preschool. There are a variety of days and times available, from two half day to all five full days. It is important to know that we have a limited amount of space, so early registration is important. If needing tuition information on Preschool please call the school at (417) 358-2674.
Hay un preescolar de 3 y 4 años en la Escuela Católica de Santa Ana. Hay variedades de días y horarios en que los estudiantes pueden asistir dependiendo de lo que cada familia necesite. Es importante saber que el espacio es limitado, por lo que la inscripción lo antes posible es importante. Si necesitan information sobre la marticula de Preescolar por favor llame a la escuela. (417) 358-2674.
Parish Tuition/ Non- Parish Tuition
Mission-based education was established in the spring of 2010 to allow all parish children the opportunity to receive a Catholic School education. To qualify for Scholarship Assistance/Mission-Based Catholic School Education, families must be active, participating, and contributing members of St. Ann’s Church.
Please call office for Non-Parish Tuition rates. 417-358-2674
Educación basado en misión estableció en la primavera de 2010 para permitir a todos los niños de la parroquia la oportunidad de recibir una educación católico. Para calificar para la educación católica basada en misión, las familias deben ser activos, participantes y contribuyentes miembros de la Iglesia de Santa Ana.
Dress Code
As most Catholic and private schools, St. Ann's is proud of their dress code. The St. Ann's Uniform is simple, yet gives our school the unity and discipline that families expect of a Catholic School. A more detailed explanation is our St. Ann's Family Handbook.
Como la mayoría de las escuelas católicas y privadas, Santa Ana está orgullosa de su código de vestimenta. El uniforme de Santa Ana es simple, pero le da a nuestra escuela la unidad y disciplina que las familias esperan de una escuela católica. Una explicación más detallada se encuentra en nuestro Manual familiar de Santa Ana.
Mission-Based/Scholarship Assistance Agreement (For St. Ann Parish Families)
Mission-Based Education Agreement (English and y Español)
Student Records Request/Solicitud de Expediente del Estudiante
Student Record Request/Solicitud de Expediente del Estudiante
“In a cultural climate in which moral norms are often thought to be matters of personal preference, Catholic schools have a crucial role to play in leading the younger generation to realize that freedom consists above all in being able to respond to the demands of the truth."
(cf. Veritatis Splendor, #84).” – Address of the Holy Father Pope John Paul II to the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Regions of Chicago, Indianapolis, and Milwaukee (USA) on Their “Ad Limina” Visit, May 30, 1998, #3