Events List

This page describes all of the events associated with the services run by SpiceX. These events are triggered in response to changes in input pins (i.e. rising or falling edge) for various sensory inputs.

System Events


Parameter: void

Description: used to transition from initial psuedo-state to state


Parameter: index of the timer

Description: triggered when timer expires

Cap Sensor Service


Triggered when the button is currently being pressed.


Triggered when the button is released.

Door Sensor Service


Triggered when the hall effect sensor detects a rising edge, indicating the door is open.


Triggered when the hall effect sensor detects a falling edge, indicating the door is closed.

LED Display Service


Triggered during posting of a new message. Displays one character to the LED module at a time, scrolls the display by 4 columns.


Continuously triggered while message updates. Calls DM_TakesDisplayUpdatesStep() until finished.

Message Service


Triggers the start of a half second timer.


Triggered when the timer for half a second expires, at which an event is posted to the LED. Display service scrolls the corresponding character in the message. When the entire message is done updating, post an event ES_FinishedDisplay to the main state machine SpiceRackFSM to indicate completed.


Triggered when main FSM enters "rotating" state. Change a static variable, starting_message, to "ROTATING". Posts an event ES_INIT to itself to begin displaying one character at a time.


Triggered when main FSM enters "stopping" state. Change a static variable, starting_message, to "STOPPING". Posts an event ES_INIT to itself to begin displaying one character at a time.


Triggered when Hall sensor detects new spice. Change a static variable, starting_message, to "NEW SPICE DETECTED". Posts an event ES_INIT to itself to begin displaying one character at a time.


Triggered when potentiometer changed by user. Change a static variable, starting_message, to "CHANGING SPEED". Posts an event ES_INIT to itself to begin displaying one character at a time.


Triggered when door closed. Change a static variable, starting_message, to "\0", which is an empty string. Clears LED display.


Triggered when 20s have elapsed w/o user input. Change a static variable, starting_message, to "RESTARTING". Posts an event ES_INIT to itself to begin displaying one character at a time.


Triggered when state machine begins. Posts an event ES_BEGIN to the LED display to starting the begin message.

IR Sensor Service


Triggered when the IR sensor detects a hand-waving gesture.


Triggered when the IR sensor doesn't detect a gesture.

Main Service


Triggered when the hall effect sensor detects a rising edge, indicating the door is open.


Triggered when state machine begins. Posts an event ES_BEGIN to the LED display to starting the begin message.


Triggered when the hall effect sensor detects a falling edge, indicating the door is closed.


Triggered when the button is currently being pressed.


Triggered when the IR sensor detects a hand-waving gesture.


Triggered when a new spice has been detected on the ferris wheel.


Triggered when the timer for half a second expires, at which an event is posted to the LED. Display service to scroll the corresponding character in the message. When the entire message is done updating, post an event ES_FinishedDisplay to the main state machine SpiceRackFSM to indicate completed.


Triggered when a message is done printing. Posts to the SpiceRackFSM.

Spice Sensor Service


Triggered when a new spice has been detected on the ferris wheel.


Triggered when there is no spice detected on the ferris wheel.

Motor Driver Service


Triggered when there has been a change in user input for the potentiometer. Adjusts the motor speed accordingly. Posts this event to the motor driver service.


Triggered when main FSM goes into "rotating" state. Initializes PWM for motor. Called by the main state machine.


Triggered when main FSM goes into "stopped" state. Stops the motor. Called by the main state machine.