Research Portfolio
FRL: Vocal Presence in AR/VR
Dynamic reconstruction of high-fidelity spatialized vocal signals within an AR/VR environment.
Papers* and Talks^
*Noufi, Camille, Jonathan Berger, Michael Frank, Karen Parker, and Daniel L. Bowling (2022). "Acoustically-Driven Phoneme Removal That Preserves Vocal Affect Cues." arXiv:2210.15001; Submitted to the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
*Noufi, Camille and Lloyd May, Jonathan Berger (2022). "The Role of Vocal Persona in Natural and Synthesized Speech.” arXiv:2209.02855; To be published in the Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
^Bowling, Dan, Camille Noufi, Michael Frank, Jonathan Berger, and Karen Parker (2022). "Evaluating the Perception of Auditory-Vocal Affect Using a Combination of Speech Stimuli and and Speech-Derived Musical Stimuli." Poster presentation at the Society of Music Perception and Cognition Conference 2022. Portland, Oregon, USA.
*Noufi, Camille, and Lloyd May (2021). “A Design Framework for Expressive Voice Synthesis” Extended Abstracts for the Late-Breaking Demo Session of the 22th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Online, November 2021.
*Hege, Anne, Camille Noufi, Elena Georgieva, Ge Wang (2021). “Instrument Design for The Furies: A LaptOpera” Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), NYU Shangai, China, June 2021.
*^Noufi, Camille, Dejan Markovic and Peter Dodds (2021). “Reconstructing the Dynamic Directivity of Unconstrained Speech” Facebook Reality Labs, June 2021. arXiv:2209.04473.
^ Lightning Talk. "Intelligence Augmentation: AI Empowering People to Solve Global Challenges," Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University, 2021 Spring Conference, March 2021.
*Noufi, Camille and Prateek Verma (2021). “Semi-Supervised Learning of Context-Aware Pitch Prosody Representations.” arXiv:2007.09060.
*Noufi, Camille, Adam C. Lammert, Daryush D. Mehta, James R. Williamson, Gregory Ciccarelli, Douglas Sturim, Jordan Green, Thomas F. Campbell, and Thomas F. Quatieri. (2020). “Longitudinal Tracking of Acoustic Speech Changes Following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.” arXiv:2209.04406.
*Georgieva, Elena, Camille Noufi, Vidya Rangasayee, Blair Kaneshiro. (2020). “An Evaluation Tool for Subjective Assessment of Amateur Vocal Performances of ‘Amazing Grace’” Extended Abstracts for the Late-Breaking Demo Session of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 2020.
*Shaffer, Kris, Esther Vasiete, Brandon Jaquez, Aaron Davis, Diego Escalante, Calvin Hicks, Joshua McCann, Camille Noufi, and Paul Salminen. (2020). “A Cluster Analysis of Harmony in the McGill Billboard Dataset.” Empirical Musicology Review.
*Noufi, Camille, Adam C. Lammert, Daryush D. Mehta, James R. Williamson, Gregory Ciccarelli, Douglas Sturim, Jordan Green, Thomas F. Campbell, and Thomas F. Quatieri. (2019). “Vocal biomarker assessment following pediatric traumatic brain injury: A retrospective cohort study.” Proc. INTERSPEECH 2019, Graz, Austria.
*Noufi, Camille, Vidya Rangasayee, Sarah Ciresi, Jonathan Berger and Blair Kaneshiro. (2019). “A Model-Driven Exploration of Accent Within the Amateur Singing Voice.” Machine Learning for Musical Discovery Workshop, International Conference on Machine Learning, June 2019.
^Noufi, Camille. “Vocal biomarker assessment following pediatric traumatic brain injury.” Hearing Seminar (MUSIC 319), Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford, CA. March 2019. (Invited Talk).
*Noufi, Camille. (2017). “Identification of Singing Style Techniques Through Spectral Analysis.” Extended Abstracts for the Late-Breaking Demo Session of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Suzhou, China, October 2017.
^Noufi, Camille, Mason Darveaux, Andrew Lockwood, Paul Brunette, David Borski, Jim Love. (2017). “RotoVision: A Rotational LED Hologram.” Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone Exposition, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. (Poster Presentation and Demo).
^Noufi, Camille, Youjian Liu. (2017). “Collaborative Intelligent Radio: RF Environment Understanding.” NSF-REU Discovery Learning Apprenticeship Exposition, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. (Poster Presentation).