Submission Checklist

Artifact Submission Lifecycle

  • Initial Submission: Submit the artifact to the HotCRP site that corresponds to the cycle your paper was accepted in (spring/summer/fall) before submission deadline. For example, if you submitted in the spring and was accepted in the summer cycle, you would submit to the summer AEC HotCRP site.

  • Kick-the-Tires: The reviewers will setup the artifact and run the 'basic test' command specified in the artifact appendix to validate the artifact works. This setup task will be completed before the kick-the-tires deadline. At this point, the reviewers report if they succeeded in getting the artifact working.

  • Troubleshooting: After the kick-the-tires deadline, the reviewers will anonymously correspond with authors through the HotCRP site to troubleshoot the artifact in the event it doesn't work.

  • Artifact Evaluation: At the review deadline, the reviewers release their reviews and score the artifact's availability/reproducibility/basic functionality.

  • Camera-Ready Submission: At the paper camera-ready deadline, the authors incorporate a 2-page version of the artifact appendix into their camera-ready with DOI links for the artifact materials (if given the available badge). Either the authors or ACM will attach the awarded badges.

Submitting your Artifact

Submit your artifact to the AEC HotCRP site that corresponds to the cycle your paper was accepted in (spring / summer / fall).

The Artifact Title and Paper Identifier

The submission page will request some basic information about your artifact.

  • Title: Please use your ASPLOS paper title as the artifact title.

  • Submission # and Phase: Specify the paper # of the main paper and the cycle (spring/summer/fall) it was submitted to.

  • Acceptance Phase: Specify the phase (spring/summer/fall) the paper was accepted in. This should match the phase of the HotCRP AEC submission site.

The Artifact Abstract

Briefly and informally describe your artifact including minimal hardware and software requirements, how it supports your paper, how it can be validated, and what is the expected result. It will be used to select appropriate reviewers. It will also help readers understand what was evaluated and how.

Artifact Topics

The HotCRP submission site will give you the option of selecting topics related to your submission. Mark off any relevant areas (options under topics heading) and relevant requirements (options under requirements heading) for your artifact. We will use the marked areas to match reviewers to artifacts and the marked requirements to quickly filter out potential reviewers that lack the necessary hardware/software.

Artifact Appendix

Please submit your paper with an artifact appendix attached to the end of the document. Please refer to the Artifact Appendix page for information on how to structure your appendix. The reviewers need both the full paper and the appendix to reproduce your results.