The Five Core Competencies

What are the five Core Competencies?

"Social and emotional learning (SEL) enhances students’ capacity to integrate skills, attitudes, and behaviors to deal effectively and ethically with daily tasks and challenges. Like many similar frameworks, CASEL’s integrated framework promotes intrapersonal, interpersonal, and cognitive competence. There are five core competencies that can be taught in many ways across many settings."

Defining and quantifying SEL is a difficult task. Determining what and how to teach SEL can be even more of a daunting task. Utilizing the definitions set forth by the five Core Competencies, educators can move from a theoretical understanding of SEL to one of practical application.

More on the five Core Competencies can be found here.

Click here to access Sample Teaching Activities to Support Core Competencies of Social and Emotional Learning .

Modeling and teaching the SEL Core Competencies starts with YOU! Reflect on your own SEL competencies utilizing the Personal Assessment Tool.




Social Awareness

Relationship Skills

Responsible Decision-Making

SEL and Equity, "Transformative SEL"

According to CASEL, "SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities."

Furthermore, Transformative SEL is defined as "A process whereby young people and adults build strong, respectful, and lasting relationships that facilitate co-learning to critically examine root causes of inequity, and to develop collaborative solutions that lead to personal, community and societal well-being.

More information and learning opportunities regarding SEL and Equity can be found here.

Taken from Measuring SEL, "Equity & Social and Emotional Learning: A Cultural Analysis". More on Equity and SEL can be found here. Information on Transformative SEL can be found here.

Click here to learn more about how you can intergrate SEL into your classroom!