


Just like teachers do at school, create a model that your children can follow when online.

What are the norms and what does following them mean?

Here are some great tips when teaching about cyberbullying and what to do when it happens:

Sign off the computer. Ignore the attacks and walk away from the cyberbully.

Don't respond or retaliate. If you're angry or hurt, you might say things you'll regret later. Cyberbullies often want to get a reaction out of you, so don't let them know their plans have worked.

Block the bully. If you get mean messages through IM or a social-networking site, take the person off your buddy or friends list. You also can delete messages from bullies without reading them.

Save and print out bullying messages. If the harassment continues, save the evidence. This could be important proof to show parents or teachers if the bullying doesn't stop.

Talk to a friend. When someone makes you feel bad, sometimes it can help to talk the situation over with a friend.

Tell a trusted adult. A trusted adult is someone you believe will listen and who has the skills, desire, and authority to help you. Telling an adult isn't tattling -- it's standing up for yourself. And, even if the bullying occurs online, your school probably has rules against it.

Source: Common Sense Media


Although much of the information on the site below is included in some fashion on this website, you will find games and educational resources for helping to teach your children about Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship in general.