Android Tablet Safety Settings

One of the most important ways that we can keep our students/children safe with their devices is by taking the appropriate precautions to help them avoid some of the content areas the Internet may throw at them. If you have an Android tablet, here are a few ways that you can ensure that whoever uses this device, especially children, will be limited in what they can access.

To access these settings, you will want to navigate to your Settings area on your Android tablet. The directions below will illustrate how to change the restrictions on a particular device.

Lock Screen Security

You will first need to create a Lock Screen password.

In the Settings menu, select the Device Tab. Then tap Lock Screen. Then tap Screen Security. From here you will select either a pattern, pin number, or password.

After entering the pattern, pin number, or password twice, it will be successfully saved. This will now be the way you unlock you device.

Setting Up A Restricted User

Next, navigate to the General tab within your Settings and select Users. Tab the Add User button and choose Restricted Profile from the Add User menu.

A New Restricted Account will be created. It will automatically open to a screen where you can select what are Allowed Applications. A check mark next to the Application will show that it is allowed and available to the user. You can also tap on the User Name (or photo) to rename the Restricted User.

After you have selected which Apps will be allowed, tap the Users option again to show the saved Restricted User.

This Restricted User can now be selected from the start screen when you turn on your device or bring it back from sleep mode.