
Fraction Fun

Fractions can be challenging. The key idea is a child needs to understand in the junior school is that a fraction means a part of a whole. They also need to understand a whole can be a number, an object or a set.

Use food, pizza, baking, toys to show half and quarter of an object, set or group. Some examples you could use are:

  • When cutting up a lunch or afternoon tea, say to your child "let's have some fun with maths. What is this?" Hold up an apple. Cut it in half...cut it into quarters...put it back together = a whole again.

  • If you have baked a cake talk about 1/2 and 1/4 "If I have half of the cake and you have a quarter - who has more?"

  • If you make a batch of cookies or muffins ask your child to find half of the set.

Fractions in the middle school

Fractions in the senior school