Club Gaeilge

The bus was collecting us at Lexlip church car park .The bus was a long journey.When we arrived we went to get our harness and helmet then we went climbing ,it was very slippy because it was raining.After that we went on a hunt thing.Then we had lunch Mr Sweeny had club gaeilge money so we were allowed to buy something in the shop. Then we went kayaking and got changed.we bought more in the shop,then we did archery then we went home.

By Lucie O'Beirne

In February Mr Sweeney told us that if we wanted we would start Club Gaelige. Most of the people in our class said it would be great fun. Every Thursday after school we would go next door into the maths room. Mr Sweeney would teach us and we would play games and go outside. We would have to speak Irish the whole time.

After a couple of days doing Club Gaeilge, Mr Sweeney told us that we would go on a trip to Avon Rí. We would have to speak Irish the whole time but it would be very good either way. There was one problem though; the tour was during the easter break.

With the permission of each parent we got to go on the trip. We had to meet at the church in Lexlip at 8:30! We got on the bus and off we went to Avon Rí. It was a long half an hour drive to get the Avon Rí.

When we got there we went off and did activities. We did climbing, kayaking, archery and orienteering. We had a great day out.

We are still doing Club Gaeilge and we will be until the end of the year. We got hoodies a week ago which was a lovely surprise.

By Rose Wynne