Astronomy Club Event Has Major Gravitational Pull with Students!

Ryan Foley, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at UCSC, speaks with students about his major discoveries and the mysteries of the universe

On Friday, September 25th, members of the Astronomy Club, as well as other students and faculty, gathered to hear Prof. Foley discuss his UCSC team's amazing discovery of two neutron stars merging; the first visible event of gravitational waves ever witnessed. Student given a behind the scenes look at the Slack conversations at between team members at the moment of discovery. Another interesting moment during the talk was when Professor Foley explained how this neutron star merger created enough gold to roughly fill Jupiter.

Before, during, and after his presentation, Professor Foley allowed opportunities for questions from the audience. One was abundantly clear throughout the event: our students are passionate and dedicated to learning.

[September 26th, 2020]


(Promotional Video Playlist)

Club Fair

September 11, 2020

This year's Club Fair is going VIRTUAL! Student organizations will each create a promotional video, and some will send representatives to a live Q&A on Zoom.

The playlist of "virtual booths" is on the left. If you're not sure what organizations you are interested in, take a look at >>all of the different organizations<< and their mission statements to find something that interests you. At the end of the Club Fair, a single sign-up form will be available for students to register as a member in their organizations of choice. The registration form can be found below. All club, program, and society registrations will be through this form.

[September 8, 2020]

Organization Applications for 2020-2021 are now open!

Students may now apply for the renewal or creation of organizations for the 2020-2021 school year. This process has some exciting new elements this time around, as organizations will be required to develop their own charters. By installing a charter, each organization will have a clearly defined structure, and accessible procedures for day-to-day operations. Since taking the application process live, nineteen organizations have already applied for active status next year!

For anyone looking to file an application, you can access the digital forms using the links on the left. If you have any questions, feel free to contact

[May 20, 2020]